National Fertilizer Marketing Limited Lahore Tender Notice for Single Stage One Envelop procedor , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL FERTILIZER MARKETING LIMITED, INVITES NFML Tenders for Labour & Security Services At NFML Bulk Store Kissan (NFMlJisnvites - procedure- tenders are invited from labour & Security Services contractors reaistered wah tncome lax &bullred Provinti.ilßa:es Tax Depactment for NFMt STORE&bullKISSAN effective from the date Of Signing Of agreement (extendable) till 202S aaainst refuncijwe Bid security amount eqvat to of the total bid value quoted for all services at each store as given at clause-25 of PPRA rules-2004. which Shau have to be deposited b"' each contractor in the form 01 Demand OTSft/Pay Order in the name Of NFMC payable at n&bullve Labour & Security contractor is responsible for Unloading from Rai>wav Wagoasjtrnxks amd stacking instate Loading into trucks. totruck loading. Reprocessing, Umstacking. Hammering, Re&bullbauing, Weighinz Stitching. Restacking and safety of the Store. the redundable Perfumance Guarantee shall have to be also deposited by the successfulbidder in the form of Oemand Oraft/Pav Order. in the name of NfML. Lahore before signing of agreement, Previous bid money. securit&bulldperformance guarantee and t ing payments shall not be entertainedin this freshtender. Thedetaits areas unders St.* euuseoee and poue opening ot Sids Office Stheduh. Qualification Criteria render documents contait1ihE oedivery Tim and Which e:an against demand draft/pay order o' Rupees Ten Thoosand Ono tor each Store [RS.10.COOf&bull non in the name NFMI Head Off-ite at Road. Lahore, anydayduringO the employees. their Contractors. Manpower & Security Contractors and the Of NFMI no apply, Submitted at NFMC Head Office. 53- Jail Road. Lahore,latést A.M on the 29th'uly.2024, which be opened the designstCd committee at 11:30 A.M the same day. in the presenteofthe eontraaogs/repsv i*htoremöinpces.ent. National Fertiligeh'tarkeona limited may rejectall bids ot proposals at any tirne prior tothe acceptantQ04a&id or proposal in accordance toclause 3341) PPRAmes&bull2C04. This tender on PPRAandNfMLwebSites, Assistant Manager (Commercial) National Fertilizer Marketing Limited S3-Jail Road, Lahore, Telephone: 042-99205666-73 O Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) NFC a, from Thenews dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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