Communications & Works Department Ghizer Tender Notice for Consultant,Pakistan Engineering Council , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** C&WD GO AIV(i/.WCash/ 7 vrnmtn! Ollice of thc Executive Engineer C&WD 2. 4. 6, 7. 8. 11. 12. OF BIDS FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICE.} of Wotk;• Metalling Ghizer. (Feasibility Study oflhe Project of 140 Mir RCC hridøe near Steel liridøe Guni.•. Technical and Financial Bids arc hereby invited from well reputed Pakiqan l}uginecring Council IPEC) in thc project profile 1215 (ii) tcl.utcd carry OVI subjcet mentioned site Of Gupis village is rd' road from I IQ Gahkuch (ihizer. scone services a} under:• lOBigtaphic of the projc€t, (10 copies) Geological sciqnie copies} :tny.stigation in site pits and O copies) I ISdrologiv•aI investigation. (10 copies) Soeto-environmental ion. 10 copies) or layout and fitming up 01 doign f Preparation and submission ofdctail feasibility duly suxxrted •aith sound proposals 10 copies) Preparalionand submission of supported with abstract ofcost drawings (JO copies; II}drauliC and strwunl design'drawing "y •.ctted from reputed «multiti8 finn copioj Pret»ration OT detail Icehnically sanclioocd from GB PW!) authorities. 10 copies) of tender as apptou•d fcrmat(PF.C bidding "umcn10/ 15 copicsj Provision of all documents, includi draw iop io digital CD'Si'USB and hard copies documen!s. iii vii, viii, xii. Complete bio-data orconsultant narnejyclep. numbcrs, and or hcad/branch Enlistmcmj«gistration with Pakistan Engineering Council fPECJ as consultant in thc proj«t code 1215 Oil other al for Ihe 202". List Ofsimilar works and bcidee work by 'he consultan in lhe past and hand with of cognpl«rion and names of Client etc List Of technical staffs thc Sludy, tan certificate. litigalioo the consultant is not msolved in any litigation with any Govt. depanmcnt. technical team *ICEnginecrs ofGB C&WD by the Engineer GB WD Gilet scrutinlic thc dckurnents and Shon list thc consultants, The financial bids Of only thc shct't consultants opened. Both technical and financial bids submitted by 269. July 2024 at I I tjO A.M and bid will be OFited on the same day financial bids OfonlS' prequalified Shotl listed firrnvco•nsultants opened on August.2024 at 12:30 n ill ba«don 80.20 aye respectively (i.e for technical hid 2Ws rot financial bid) in the of Gilgit Region Thc completion penc•d orthe consultancy ices ill months Consultum is required to submit bids PEC spevifrd format I he GB C WI) authorities 'he tight to accept any ot all prpposaG in of rules 2001. Of tcndev/consultancy service forum fee Rs. 2000$• in shape of draft Presctih•cd income tax bc elf«tcd undet thc rule. IOGB-.493-2d Executive Engineer Division PWD Ghizer from Thenews dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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