National Fertilizer Marketing Limited Lahore Tender Notice 2 for Single Stage One Envelope Procedure,Loading Into Truck , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NFML NATIONAL FERTILIZER MARKETING LIMITED, INVITES Tenders for Labour & Security Services At NFML Bulk Store Kissan National Fertilizer Marketing Limited INF ML) invites "Single Stage-One Envelope procedure" Tenders are invited from Labour & Security Services contractors registered with Income Tax and Provincial/Sales Tax Department for NFML BIJLK STORE-KISSAN effective from the date of signing of agreement (extendable} till 14th July 2025 against refundable Bid Security amount equal to 5% Of the total bid value quoted for all services at each Store as given at clause-25 of PPRA rules-2004, which shall have to be deposited by each contractor in the form Of Demand Draft/Pay Order in the name Of NFML payable at Lahore. The Labour & Security contractor is responsible for Unloading from Railway Wagons/Trucks and stacking in Store, Loading into trucks, Truckto truck loading, Re-processing&bdquo Unstacking, Hammering, Re-bagging, Weighing, Stitching* Re-stacking and safety of the Store. The 10% refundable Performance Guarantee shall have to be also deposited by the successful bidder in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order, in the name of NFML, Lahore before signing of agreement. Previous bid money, security/performance guarantee and the pending payments shall not be entertained in this fresh tender. The details are as under: Sr.# BulkStore Tender Documents available at Timé}Date and place for Openingof bids NFML Head Office NFML-S3-Jail At ,30AM- Mondaythe 29th July, 2024 at a. KISSAN Road, Lahore Head Office NFML-53-lail Road, Lahore, Tender documents containing Delivery Time/CGpletion Schedule, Qualification Criteria. Evaluation Criteria and Terms/Condition$ 9f,Contracts which can be collected against demand draft/pai/ order Of Rupees Te ousand Only for each store (Rs.10,OOO/- non refundable} in the name of NFML during ce hoursfrom NFML Head Office located at 53- Jail Road. duringOffi burstill Friday by04:OOPM. The employees, their spouse, e Contractors, Manpower & Security Contractors and the dealers of NFML are ngtF igible to apply. All Tenders can be submitted at NFML Head Office. 53- Jail Road. Lah"é'létest by 11:00 A.M on Monday the 29th July. 2024, which shall be opened by the desig committee at 11:30 A-M the same day, in the presence Of the contractors/reps, wh h to remain present. National Fertilie arketing Limited may reject all bids or proposals at anytime prior tothe acceptanceofa& or proposal in accordance toclause Rules-2004. This tender is also available on P PRA and NFML websites, o Ministry of Industries & Production Government Ot Pakistan O Newspaper Assistant Manager (Commercial) National Fertilizer Marketing Limited S3-Jail Road, Lahore, Telephone: 0/19-99205666-73 NFC from Aaj dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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