National Database & Registration Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Manufacturers,Equipment,Procurement of Indoor Power Supply , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF INTERIOR (9 NADRA HEADQUARTERS ISLAMABAD INVITATION OF BID PROCUREMENT OF VSAT HUB AND RF EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR IDIRECT & STM HUBS - SPARE UNITS FOR CRITICAL DEVICES TENDER NO. NADRA-HQ-RFB-126/2024 1. National tataoase and Registrau«' A.uth0tity (NAI]RAJ. Ministry or Inteticr, Gouttntrent of Pakistan invies sealed bids frc&bullrw Bidder must be equiprnent manulacturer or authorized dealer lndoor Power Supplies forblJC and remastered Ircome lax Wes lax angwhoare Acne Tupav«stist wth fBfi supply ottomwing items, 1. pracwemcnrct Inooct + wav Gutte 2. The biding dOC Ltnents contan soecdicaion, canoo:ns ICt par in the bid. The tid dOtus Itcrnpue*féan be pucrased by the tidder upm a wraen request on Bidders CtticiZ letter head aggessed to he Head Of Oepa.rtme,nl (NADRA Ptc&bullzurernent StaresJ at given a.6dress upon Bayfiv.t af a 'Ün-lefundaffe fee ot Rs. NAIRA Dank gt Ban HBLAccouƇ Title NADRA, Headquarters e. ü4600051NOt The oocuments are go available on wensite tne wmcr. can be oawmoatee artyg 3. R'.oees additioca.l (c.ouiükttarqeslto pvpose to gurctta.sct0'roee set dbiddingdccuments. The c' Biddingoounentswu teser'l via services. mustiüChattea,Gt07 wcrkitg days beroretb0Sing Oteortet&bulltder else any dB"'OlJty cannot oe c lan&bullted. July, BidS at 1130 hoursvJhis aüer%ementiSboava/able on PPRA website atwgw.ppra.wg.p@ S. All for tenner cornpany lener neat nominancn ot autb01iæec regesent:atwe (Name & Oesgnationj for presence at tere opening- At tne ot tenaer oger&bullrg cce&bullnpartg representaae must possess cornpany etwayee cata , PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT NAORA HO NAORA Building 30 &bull Mauve Area 6-10/4, Islamabad 44000. 051-90392562 | c ewspaper ( Jul, ZUZ4) , from Dunya dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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