Rahbar Medical & Dental College Lahore Tender Notice1 for Procurement Of General Order Supply,Supply Of Electromedical Equipment,Mics Equipment , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** RAHBAR MEDICAL & DENTAL COLLEGE LAHORE TENDER NOTICE FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTROMEDICAWMISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT I. Sealed tenders are invited from firms registeged "'ith OGP(AVDGOP for supply of subject Equipment on free daaaelivery basis to {allowing Insttutlons;- Rahbar—College _Qf, To equip a newly established 50 seats BOS institutm a. as per criteria prescribed by PM&DC b. Punjab Rangers Teaching Hospital Rahbar Institute of Allied Health Sciences (RIAHS). As per miscellaneous requitements at each of the institutions specgfved in tender Sams 2- Tender forms *lth detailed specifications of items can be obtained frorn•tfge ofAdrrut'1 offtcet Rahbar Medical & Dental College Lahore on Mitten application with Sales Tax and Income Tax regnstraton ontåSi) payment of Rs (non•refundable). Rates quoted in the tender Will be valid till date of delvery of equipment. Tender f of Items duly sgned by respective institution heads will be avatable on any wuktng day from 8 AM to 3 PM. 3 The bld shall canwise ot a stngie package sealed envelppå separate envelopes mntainng the FINANCIAL PROPOSAL and the TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. PROPOSALS and *TECHNICAL PROPOSAL' along the name parfiapatlng firms j suppler di or bold and legu letter to (b) Infrally„ only the envelope marked 'TECHNICAL PROPOSAU shan be openédb of officers (c) The envelope matked TINANCIAL PROPOSAL shall be retaned In the safe custody as dllected by presd "t at the board mthout begng opened. (d) The board of officers vepare and frnarvze the comparative <atements of 'TE PROPOSALS" offered by firm I supplier j tfstnbutor (ihffcating Ser no. Name cf firm. Make ! Model ad offered eqpt ins Rejected I Accepted and Reascdls of Repdion) after consul!ation wth concerned specialisti HOD. {e} Outing the .gvalåation NO amendments in the technical proposal shall be permitted. The financial proposals of bids found technecally -ected shall be returned unopened to the concerned bidders.Afterthe evaluation andapprovalof TECHNICALLY ACCEPTED PROROSALS, bids be publ,cly opened by board of officers the the bidders or thar authorized reps. The ptccutir@agency shall read aloud the unit price as well the bid amount and shall recctd the mvnutes ot the bid opening. All bldders in sign an attendance sheet 4 Refurb&ied equtprnent procured Wlth explicit approval of competent authority only, 5 It be that try manufacture and manufacturer ot the equipment are the sarne 6, The contract of •neude proper warranty parts and repur maffllenance at least a penod of 24 months after date Installaton. Ourng warranty penodi Firms; Suppliersr not charge for Visit of their biomedlcal Engineers. Tenders be deposited befc«e 1100 hours on 18 July 2024 and Will be opened on the same day at 1230 hours al Rahbar Coilege Dentrstry Laho«e, fvrms registefed Sales tax and national tax numbers should also be written In the quotation, 8. The procuring agency has tight to accept or repct any cne or all quotations prior to acceptance of any bid President Purchase Committee, Rahbar Medical and Dental College, Old Gate # 10, Rangers HQ, Harbanspura Road, Near Joray Pull, Lahore Contact No. 0300-4243090 O Newspaper ( 09 Jul, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 09 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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