Pakistan Defence Officers Hosing Authority Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Supply ,Instllation,Testing and Commissioning Of Outdoor,Smd Display,Double Sided Outdoor Smd Display , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** offlCERS&o TENDER NOTICE 1. PDOHA Karachi, invites sealed bids from the reputed firms registered under Income Tax/ Sales Tax Act for the purchase of following item:- Outdoor SMD Display - Marketing & PR Dte Qty Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Outdoor SMD Display, DAHUA / ABSEN Double Sided Outdoor SMD Display (size 8ft height a x 5ft width) 8 Set Outdoor Unit (Water / Dust/ Humidity Proof) Including Iron Mounted Frame, Android Players, Software & One Year Warran 2. Tender Documents with detaile specification can be obtained 3. ßplication to the undermentioned on submission of writt office on payment o ee of Rs. 2,000/- in shape of Pay Order in favor Karachi (Non-Refundable). Sealed bids my each at 1000 hours by 11 July 2024. The same will beo ned on 1100 hours on the same date. DHA resegves the right to reject any or all tenders, under existing/Ules and regulations. DIRECTOR PROCUREMENT PAKISTAN DEFENCE OFFICERS HOUSING AUTHORITY, KARACHI 21B East street, Phase-I, DHA Karachi -75500 Fax: 35886406 - Web: UAN: 111-589-589 (Extn: 2220 & 2010) Ph: 99266894 c ews paper u, from Nawaiwaqt dated 09 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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