General Headquarter Signals Directorate Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Procurement Of General Order Supply,Manufactures,Areial Optical Fiber Cable,Aerial Cables,Pvc Cable,Ios,Telephone Sheet,Face Plate,Back Box,Ducti Patti,Pvc Pipe,Joint,Elbow,Nail Steel,Wooden Screw,Tape Insulation,Paper Tape,Cable Ties,Multi Socket,Power Cable , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 1. 2. 3. GENERAL HEADQUARTER SIGNALS DIRECTORATE RAWALPINDI SHORT TENDER NOTICE NO 1249/SlGS-2B/4 General Head quarters Signals Directorate Rawalpi ndi invites sealed bids for procurement of followi ng Information Technology (IT) based equipment for financial year 2024/25 FOR "Rawalpindi" basis from original manufactures/ authorized distributors/ contractors registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax. Firms so participating should be security wise cleared and registered with reputed Govt departments/ institutions (MoD, MOP, Ser (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 10 (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) Items Aerial Optical Fiber Cable (4 Fibres) Aerial Cables( 10 Aerial Cables (20 Aerial Cables ( 30 Pairs)0 6mm Aerial Cables ( 50 Pairs)0 6mm PVC Cable (2 Pairs) PVC Cable (5 Pairs) PVCCable(lOPairs) PVC Cable (20 Pairs) PVC Cable (30 Pairs) PVC Cable (50 Pairs) PCM cable (1 & 8 Pairs) Ios (3M) Telephone Sheet (4 Socket) Face Plate (4x4) Back Box (4x4) Duct Patti (16x25, 16x38 and 40x40) I Opening Date 30 July 2024 (Tuesday) PVC Pipe (1 Inch) PVC U Inch) PVC Bend (I &2 Inch) PVC Joint I Type (1 & 2 Inch) PVC Elbow (l & 2 Inch) PVC & 2 Inch) NailSteel(1 82 Inch) Wooden Screw (1 & 2 Inch) Tape Insulation (1 Inch) Paper Tape(l Inch) Cable Ties4,8 and 12 Inch Multi Socket Light Plug with Bac Flexible Pipe (1 and 2 inch Power Cable (3/29) Do PowerCabIe (7/29) ou -le ox Bidding documents ining detailed terms and conditions can be obtained from General Headquarters Sign attalion (Quarter Master Branch) Adyayala Road Rawalpindi on any working day on provisio ank Draft amounting to Rs 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) tender fees (non-refundable) in favour of the General Headquarters Signals Directorate. The tender must be submitted alongwith sealed brochure / sample by due date at 1230 hours. Technical Proposal will be opened on same date at 1300 hours. Financial bid will be opened in the presence of representatives of bidders after the evolution of Technical Proposal The procunng agency may reject any bid or all bids at any time. The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any supplier, the grounds for its rejection, but is not required to justify those grounds. No refurbished items to be quoted. Partial bidding is not allowed against item mentioned at serial 13 to serial 32. Firms will be liable to disqualification if found contradicting to prescribed rules. Note: "Tenderis also available on PPRA website" at c General Staff Officer-I (Operations) General Headquarters Signals Directorate Rawalpindi, Cantt. Telephone: 051-56135777 ewspaper u, from Nawaiwaqt dated 09 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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