Military Engineer Services Islamabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Renovation Works,Finshing Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF BRANCH, GHQ MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES PRE-QUALIFICATION OF FIRMS Ref No.2000/21-N/01/DP&W/E-2 1. Applications alongwith credentials are invited by the E-in-C's Branch, Gate No 7, GHQ Rawalpindi for Pre-qualification of Firms / Contractors and issue of tender documents for following works for Branch in the light ofcIause-13, 15 and 16 ofPPRARules-2004:- Ser a. b. d. e. f. h. Name of Work ProvnofExtSvcs& FINShl Works Ph-II ofoffceB atKci Constof 17 x BOQs and Officers Mess at Bin Qasim kci Constof300xMen8arrackNo.I G+2 atKci Constof300xMenBarrackNo.2 G+2 atKci Constoflx 128MenBarrack G+l atKci Const of Central Mess at Gwd Constof 50000 Glns and 100.000 Glns Water Tank at Ormara Constof8xPos Blocks G+3 at KO 2. Firms will furnish details including works orders. location and pictures of completed projects alongwith satisfactory completion certificate from user. Fi ving experience in Construction, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing works/ services registere EC in relevant field are eligible to apply, 3. Firms will furnish list of personnel, Bank state NTN certificate, Income tax return for the last three 4. OnlythoseFirms/Contractorscan appl undermentioned criteria Enlisted with PEC in the relevan &bull with validityup toJun 2024. a Preferable Enlisted with MESZJn case of nonænlisted firms 2% bid security will be provided b. (Refundable). c, Pre-qualified with Enginéåi&bulll -Chiefs Branch, GHQ, Rawalpindi. No Special ReportofO!kE & No outstanding DI&E recoveries. d. 5. Tenders will be issued tpj?re-qualified firms / contractors and are required to be received in E-in-Cis Branch GHQ Rawalp&bull diat 1130 hours on 26 Jul 2024 and will be opened on the same date at 1200 hours. 6. Incomplete appligation shall notbeentertained. 7. TheAcceptingOfficerreservesthe righttorejectanyoralltheapplicationsinthelightofpara-330fPPRA rules-2004. 8. Any assistance and detail (if required) may be collected from DP&W E-in-Cis Branch RA Bazar Gate No,7 GHQ Rawalpindi during working hours. 9. Focal person ofthesaid advertisement is as under:- c Contact Details Focal Person: GSO-I Tele hone No. 051-9271287 Fax No. 051-9271261 ewspaper u, , from Express dated 09 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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