Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Limited Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Insulation Work in Various Compartments , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** KARACHI SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING WORKS LTD. INVITATION OF PROPOSALS & QUOTATIONS 1. Proposals and sealed quotations are invited from well reputed Sub-Contractors / Firms who have experience of Marine Insulation Work. Details are as under: SB MBU-I DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION KS&EW Insulation Work in As per details given in various Order No. tender documents SB-286 Compartments/ available in the office of Spaces of Development & MILGEM-3 Sub-Contract (SB Division) 2. Required Tender Document may be obtained from office of Development & Sub-Contract (Ground Floor, Ship Planning Hall, Works Office Building) on any working day (Monday to Friday) between 0900 to 1600 hours, before bidding, on payment of tender fee of Rs.2000/- (Non-Refundable). Tender document can be obtained from 08-07-2024. The bj<ders must submit their offer before 1100 Hours on 01-68-2024 in single package envelope containing / corpprising two separate sealed envelopes: i. One envelope shal contain "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" with Pre-Qualificä io form for Sub-Contractor with signature and office stamp of Sub-Contractor. ii. Second nvelope contains "COMMERCIAL / FINANCIALPROPOSAL" 3. Accordingly, Technical Proposal will be opened on the same date (i.e. 01-08-2024) at 1130 hours in the office of Development & Sub-Contract in presence of bidders who wish to be present. The commercial / financial proposal will be opened in presence of only technically qualified bidders on the date intimated by KS&EW later on. MAHBOOB HUSSAIN KHAN DGM (Deck & Hold) c ews paper from Express dated 09 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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