Oil & Gas Development Company Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for Prequalification Of Tranport Firm For Shifting , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO E.BiO THROUGH SAP ARIBA DISCOVERY E•8idS are invited Ihrcugtl SAP•Ariba Discovery lhe servite;rnatetiäl given below,' under biddir.g procedure as ger public Pgocurement Regulatory Authatity s. NO 2. 3. TENDER NUMBER SERVICES. CB-PROD- OGOCL•SCM• SERVICES-CB•PROD• OGOCI•SCW SERVICES. CB,ROD. OESCRIPTDON HIRING ot SURFACE & SERVICES Fm SAFE RETRIEVAL OF FISH, KOHAT. PROV*CE HIRING Of CAMP SERVICES A1 KUNNAR H'/DERA*AD, SINDH PROVICE HIRING 06 CAMP SERVICES CHSTRICT SOH ctasNG 25M '030HR.S 29m '030 HRS 3007.2024 EXTENSION IN 010 CLOSING a OPENING OATE geferecce our lender N0t•ce gubt•shed in this r•gwsgaier an 14.06,2024. it iS notified thät thetidsubfiiSGiONO#fiing date is s, NO. TENDER NO. OGDCL.SCM- SERVICES-CB(PQ)- PREQUALIFICATION OF PORT FIRMS FOR REVISED 1030 HRS 3. 6, 7. es;cjrrtitléd/ sent their nposals (bids) may take them beck BidderswhOttave alr ard re-subm.nthe sat•r tléfo•æthe revised closing date and limenæntionedabove- bids will beopeneda åinutes eftevthe revised time, render Wice/ détaded instructions are available on Public Procuretment Regulatory autharitvCPPR4øebsiite at *W". tender are available ard bids are also reqt.üed to submitted coline thr"h eprocurernent nrtal it or For delails see •Instruction for 8iLfderSSec1ioffOfthe tender documents. OGDCL resaves the right to accept Of reject bid and to anul the bidding process ard reiEC1 all thebids aspetPublic ProcuemernqegulatotyAuth01ity (PPRA} Rul&33•. GENERAL MANAGER (SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED OGOCL HOUSE. JINNAH AVENUE. ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN. N0.o»oo Phone 92-51-0QC02354C379S THE O ewspaper(0 u, 24) from Khabrain dated 09 July, 2024
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