National Police Foundation Islamabad Tender Notice for Internal Medicines,Cardiology,Gastroenterology,Nephrology,General Surgery,pathology , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL POLICE FOUNDATION Headquarter G-10/4 Mauve Area, ISLAMABAD TENDER NOTICE Joint Venture (JV) BID FO' the establishment 01 a 100 + Bed General Hospital in National Pa5ice Foundation Housing Scheme. Sector 019. Islamabad Nationat POdi&bullce Foundation INPF). Headquarter.lsgarnab@d is pleased {Oiltvite otters. on 'JOintVentureJV partnership: basis, for aid fCt estabbshir.g a 100 + Bed Genera: Hospital in National Police Foundation Housing SCheme, Sectct O- 9. Islamabad, gn 20,40-kanali land owned by the NPF, The Site is a heavily populated area and a very suitable venue h>rthe establishment of a General Hospital, The pcoposed Hospital beforthe benefit Of the ser.'ihg and retired POIice personnel anci theii larnilies. TO make the ptoject sustainable. thegeneral public and the corporate sector would arso be allowed to utilize the facility on payrnent basis, The NPF hospital thus provide access to quality tertiary care services and reduce burden on the existing public health care system, The NPF Genera' Hospital have all imponant med'cal specialties includeng: Internal MediCine. Cardiology: Gastroenterc*ogy. Nephrology, Neurology. Dermatology. Surgery. OlibopediC Surgery. Neurosutgery. Gyneco} Obstetrics. Pediatrics, Pathgöogy. Raddogy etc, The NPF would also allcxw Lhe selected JV partner firm todevelcp certainarea 01 the infrastguctute lot commercial use for businessesi,e, pharmacies. convenience stores. banks, restaurants, shopsetc. REQUIREMENTS. CRITERIA AND PARTICIPATION PROCESS i, ii. v. Wii. vii, iyo xiiii. Xiv, Profile Of the Company]'fvrmwrentity, Health&bullretated private sector Internatjonalorganizations at those affiliated with health&bullretated international consultants or International organizations having agreement with internationat consultants or International Orgamzaticns. pharmaceutical companies&euro academia. multinational companies. etc,. are elfibletoappåy. The bidders must ptovide an undertaking I affidavit stating that the Company"firmdentity has never been black listedand not invcdved in any kind of Companyjfurnventlt&bully must proposefirmccmmitmentofmmmumevateign Direct Investment Bidding Companiestfirms/entities must provide a business financial model. including the NPF's percentageofsharehcldiing in profitsof the hospital. The hospital wil be managed by the selected Compa and administrative autonomy to the selected Company The selec:ted Compeny/firmtentitywouldberequir to as pet the requirements o' a qualityGenerai ntity With NPF granting complete financial tity to manage the hospital. lop the hospital infrastructure and follyequipit Interested National,/tntetnatianal ft tities Should deposit pay dtaftJCOR amounting to Rs.SO Million Pak Rupees Foundation for participation in the unsuccessful bidders, rity deposit (refundable) in favor o' National Police bidding. The securny deposit will be refunded to the NPFwilIevaluatethebidsandscor c bidbasedonpoints. Thebidderwfrithehighestscocewillquality as the successful bidder. Complete details Of the Site terms and conditions are given in the bid document which can be purchased payment of draft in favorof National POI*e (Rupees fifty thousand only) non-refundable. via pay orderldemand tionfNPF}. Sealed gtds under Singl$Stage-Two-Envelope procedure, with envelopes clearly marked as &bullTechnical Bid' and 'Financial reach the undersigned latest by 01 pm on 24 July, 2024, The bidders provigino unsubstantiated anwor incorrect information are liable to legal action and disqualification bidding, NPF reservesthéright to reject all bidSc« proposa's at any time prior to the acceptance ota bid or proposal. asperPPRARUtes2004, The advertisernent isalsoavailélble on NPF and PPRA'S Websites, NOTE t. Name. accress. telepnone anc email address of the Company.'frrnventity must be mentioned on the sea:ec 2. Lastctatefacsubmissionofbidis24thJuly.2024. For submission Of BID: Address: National Police Foundation, 1st Floor, National Police Foundation Building, MauveArea, G-10/4, Islamabad- Phone: 051-9106187 Website: wv, c ewspaper u, from Thenews dated 09 July, 2024
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