Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Limited Faisalabad Tender Notice for Inslutar,Transformer,Software Connection Cable,Electric Water,Disper,Flash Suits, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Use Electricity Wisely For The Prosperity Of The County FAISALABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED INVITATION FOR BID Evaluation Criteria: 2026 P.tVAPower Transfornvs, NO,NC+64FESCOJPUUJGSOJ2C24-2S NOS. Nos Nos, inieÉOåtc n 01 Tender 25 Qty 19 S.octto, Worvson 2MVAC.50H.z Ataussories, Watetptoof Casing , 1 OOA Völtage tange 24" 280VOC. so.2€nvAC WOIkSOO 100-240VSCHZ Cu NB. 0-2000A, t05$C Weight&ssthan 7*91eac.hlJritO TmetRat•tge99Y99S 99.99% selectable 04 NO., 120mm, 8m cable with Ciam cu resoluticqO. t uAEmergency stop Audibte warning indicatc«US8 [email protected] temntatwe up to 500 AC Hi.Pot30kV. tkV cutesSation0„ tuA. weightratmre man3S9. ernetgenc•j' stoø.au"blcwamiog it'd.cator. interface USB. temp cpto SCVC, IJSAIJKJ' EuroøejJapanc•r S 7 Rechargeabtolarch Hea Ladder Flash Suit TENDER me Oate Suit 34 212 ate Of Tender Receivi Sr. Item Deseription 3 4 02 01 Roeoivin of Tender Sr. 20#2014 Item Deseriptian d Tender 20JON2024 Unit Qty EvaluationCriteria: Tenderwillbeevaluatgd fortender" NOS TENDER NO.xcg.WFESCOJPUUJGSC8GSOü024-25 valuation Criteria: Tenderwitlbeevatuated "On nemWtse&SamplgBasis" me Oate Receivi ad Tender II:COAM 1310"2024 ItemDeseription Time& Oate n 01 Tender 1 .20PM Unit 1 Temporary.VortabteEæthir.gsetfo,r 1320/ TransmissionLinewith 10 fee miromum length Rod. shogun type. Ouc;kßill USA Vacuum'eaner. Nß. me Oate Receivi Of Tender i me 8t;tW O ni 01 Tender valuation Criteria: Tenderwillbecväluated "asawmefortender" 1 TranstarmetoilCtass-I innewSEOrumofcapacitY'205'Liter Liter asper No, clause- Item Oeseriplion 200842024 Unit Qty valuation Cliteri.a; Tender will be evaluated "As a whole basis & On Brauch odwith tl• 30'C at-mendedtodate 2 3 4 6 7 Stranto.atdm0deinUSACanada thor C02FitQE•, Phone Nos. NCG. 04 03 sca 20 Receivi Of Tender 1100ÄM Ite of Tender n Sa e easits' 1 TherrO'ßiOfiCame:ra detection tt1anEO"1K, FOV2S•• IY. camera rnorenan temperature hi tecuert. da TENDER NO.NCBÆ5S'FESCOJPMWGS01T8P)J'Z024-25 unit me Date of It:COAM 20tW2C24 Item Oeseription Time& of n olTcodcr Evaluation Criteria: renderwillbecvaluatcd"asawhoderortender•• 1 11KVNectrNC.r,SO.s Maie IJS.AU4JaparuEut'0EEeguiva'gnt VIOARTestSetfcgVCBIOKVt080KVBiti with internal oon 20/0112024 Unit Qty .USAU&' PQmakeor Paget PEL valuation Criteria: TenderwillbCC%'äIuatOd and On Sam 3 AvedContaesfor 4 Slue COW] 3att"GtouadfauitLocator-ABe tegrcundfaultsc•nACor 'TENDER NO-NCB,6ZtJFESCOJPMUjGSOJ2CN.25 me ate Receivi 01 Tender l:co 151002024 Item Description n • 01 Tender NOS. NOS. NOS. NOS. NOS. Qty Qty 06 06 1126 Qty 06 04 01 02 01 3 4 OCsystems, up to 600 VOIL from ACcg or Phase Operation 00 faultsiWWZ00kQ Optiootobo U SAW Rang«ovettö690Wt NO. 02 01 01 3 5 7 2, 3, Basis" 1 LinemanSafetyBo•ot NO, i LitemanSaf Boot NOB Lineman Safety€oo: NO .9 Lineman BC&NO.IO LiremafiSSfe BC.a•tNO.11 Criteria: lenderwillbecvaluated"OnltemWisoBasis" Frequency 4tOÅz Phase sequence iditatssn LCD W kouSA/Uk•üroo€Jagenct Pairs Pairs Pairs was. NOS. 80 80 105 3 4 6 11KV IIKVOCT IIKVICT 5 IIKVOJGT Siemens muc 3BH tt6å,60f uaeSSE ct 20üUVA LSStß01 ct uivæent TENDER me Oåtö Rectivi Of Terdet ikiÖCOato Item Description Unit Qty I IKVICtrwey PEL TENDER NO.KC#43FESCOJPUWGSOJ2t24-25 lender will be evaluated a whole basis & 00 Broucheri Sample me Date 01 Receivin of Tender 11:00AM I'temDeseription Time& OatCOf n of Tender 02 EvaluationCriteria: litemWisoBasis" SFG 3 Trans!oernet TENDER NO.NCBÆ4YFESCOJPMlJiGSOJZta me ate Retoivi of Tender Sr. fftiAM 1502'20ä4 Item Deseription im€COatg Tendc/U unit ty i 35 86 151092024 Relay Software and Latest Laptop Au-diary 04 NO ecov 430VA GeneratorC0fi'.binaton Sa•CkQt3 • 300V and3' S2A 10 MIJttifunctiona'inputs. testfi.gcdtEC IEDs FrequencyRange 10.1 CtCOHz .C.omptete cu. diffial relays etc - iriectfauttscdUN CLIN in and distance relays -Zlatso testbus n "nediffialtelays-c•utput stat circuit protected Tme Operating Tempera 0-50•C PC USBAn USBB) Abte totmgon•xrio'fdos Heavy OutyTtanspott Case with and AMAccesses au reays ' Catd.50CG3S.SOv,ßhCa gattetyCa>ätityTestetFOR IIOVDC, 13-0-150ÅHV.akQUSA'1„W Europe or equivalent Should DisptayO•s.thätge AH OiSChätged. rest Ouratian, Load pattems. Constant diSthätge cu. Ccngtantpoa•et, OiStharge cu measurefi'.enttarge 1 "Awithacc:uracy Battery •atage range 0-3COVwith accuracy .'iternat merrcty, Thegrt"äl Power22üVACSCHz. NO.NCB.653FäSCO'PMU'GS01T8P)üt24-25 4. 5, 6, 7, Unit WseBasis" Nos Nos. National Competitive Bidding INC8) "ill be conducted in accc«dance Sing;eStage, toall elgible Oidders. Eligible Bidders rnay Obtain füfther information regarding the Bidding Oocuments from Interested Bidders ceain bidding doo.jrrmts containing all necessary informaticn the address given below from016ce in working hours (Monday to Friday). The bidder must have at least (5) years manufacturing oc supplying experienceofsimilarequipmcnt with thesameor higher rating and capacity and mree 13} years of successful conthuousoperationalexpefience. 81øcet/Ienceret ßill sut:tmtt a at the time of purcnase cd bidding document that the firm iS not blacklistedtdebarred from WAPDA' DiSCCs( G ENCOS•' NTDC4PEPCOot any tnternatjonal Organazatj,o€'l ptesent, The Authorizatjon Letter of Ltanufacturet in the rame ot hrmtsuppter iS requ«edfocissuanceof tender r tiddvng doxments as WasAutbxityLetterof ffm's representatve is alsorequiced wihcopyofCNIC. The Bidding in English language may g•utchased the interested bidders from pubishirg and cn otawitten applicaton tothe uptoone day prior to opening date during office hours on the production of prequalification I registration and sales tax EvaluationCriteria: Tenderwillbeevaluatgd "On 1 TripCOdsABB 3 Coils Siemens ct S TripCodsPi ct namt 6 Cods Pi M equivalent ri C" Taika or Closing Qty 02 02 me 8 Oateod Recoivi of Tender Sr. TiniÖSOatcof Item Deseription Unit Qty Criteria: lender will be evaluated "As a whole basis & On Sam le Basis" 1 NO. With O•IOOA 1%), 02 NO. Sinarg lt•tput, TvmetStart Stop. PtoviSiCfi Of 110V DC suppåywdh Sotwaro Eas•b'Ponaböe. W'ÜVlCODisda•y of ammeter,mtpct qcantities Pbase argles can bechar.gedAccuracj' Wth sep,uate me Date Receivi o' Tender NO I:COAM 11:40 Item Description Unit Qty valuation Criteria: Tender will be evaluated "AS a wtVOde bäSiS & On Sam 1 Manu* set17Crnrn.95tttm. SOOmmy. Capacity SO,TontMake USA) or equivalent NC$. 06 registration number docum,entstpmof. of each tender form is RS- 2CW• (Non-refundable) pet document, NO tender document will be issued on the tender opening date, 8, The bids be prepared in accordance with the nstrue,ioas in the tid<fng documsents must reach the Offce of Chief Engineer IOeveloptnentJ PINJ Od Tnerrnal Plant FESCO Abdullahpur FESCO Faisalabad on ot bedore tender opening date and receiving time mentioned each tetuet, 9. Eameslbid money @02 % for registered firms cf Ü',e quoted price in shape of Call Deposit Receipt did guarantee issued by scheduled Bank of Pakistan or WAPDA bearer valid for 28.days beyond the bid vawty of tender in Executive Offcet FESCO, Faisayoad must with bid. otherwise tedwil] rejected, 10. Afl teprocuretr,entml bedcoeaccording to PPRARutes 2004. It. The ad'.•eftisement is also FESCO and p 'NC'bSites. NOTE; FESCO reserves all its rights regarding rejection of tendeß without providing any justification as defined in clause 33 Of PPRA Rures200z. Chief Engineer (Development} PMU FESCO Faisalabad. Tel: 041-9220397, Fax: 041-9220691 email: c ews paper u, from Thenews dated 09 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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