Communication & Works Department Gilgit Baltistan Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2, 3. S, 6. 7. GOVERNMENT OF GILGIT-BALTISTAN OFFICE OF THE DCECUTIVE ENGINEER caw DEPARTMENT GB KHARMANG NO-EE-Cz,h.KhmR-1t02j/2023-24/266 to ••Request propcbal (Consultancy Vide June 2024, Gilgit-Baltistan Coen:munieadon and Works Department intend to hire/engage ¯Fe.agiblJ.ity Construction of RCC Bridges Bubo over Indus river. RCC Bridge Harbot Roundu Shaheed (RC'C) river RCC Bridge at Eiiargo (Museal in and RCC Dig-triet Gh•.nehe•• with •pproaehe• foe O Rs 44.SSO Million from. (i) Having PEC relevant the (U) Registered and e,ax payers list Ot Of National and •render d«um.ents e:an be purehased from the offiee the Executive Engineer C&W during the 'working hours Of! letter head pay Order/,.rt amounting RS refundable in favor Ot Department already 24-062024 as seheduted "'i the Office 01 Baltistan Region Balboro Rest at Of provided pef request Of Wili out by adopting "Single stage two envelop" pre«edure. complete Au With the RFP should. 24—07-24 I O;30 AM shall opened on same day On II;OO (AS'S) the Office Of the Engineer Sk.o.rdu Rest House and •tudy Ot RCC Bridge over RCC Z..l.d.l Shaheed Delta (RCG bridge Kharrna.rt&. RCC Bridge Ärtd d,ge appro•ehe••• must by a to 0.891 La.c thousand oray) 01 cau depts:it by a *hedulea bank Ot' Employer, •ccot'dute to instruction to given Bidden are required to submit their binding form to deny the possibility Of RFP. ed firms shall be opened after finalization and 8. Financial proposals of the techniqalt announcementoftechniealev report and local taxes must be considered while preparing 9. All the applicable feder p the financial proposals. taxes except GST are required to bunt in the quoted and not be mentioned ' ately unsubstantiated and/ or incorrect information are liable 10, 'The firms/ consultants to legal action disqualification. In case of GaÅte holiday/lxal holiday, bid shall opened on next working day without further in%maåon. 12, Qte Stready applied consultants shall be allowed to obtained new RFP from the office of the undersigned through production COPY Of Tee receipt/cash payment during the above mentioned period. 13. This advertisement is also available on PPRA website!c 14. authority reserve the right to reject all the proposals as per GB PPRA Rules 202 PROCUREMENT cQMMrrrp.Fr KHARMANG No. 05815-926016 Fax No, 05819926027 IDGB-474124 O Newspaper ( 09 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 09 July, 2024
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