Public Health Engineering Division Washuk Tender Notice for Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Construction, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tt&bulle EnganeetPubScHealthE invites SEOdPercentagerate renders basec on ratRØ2023 of Ba&.histan from intree,ed contractvfrms for Solar Work menthned bellow. Bid Securo&bull wil be Estimated cost and titme limit 30-06-2026.- Bid S.W. NAVEOFWORX CONSTRUCT'ONOFWSSWITHSOLARSYSIEMINO#ERENT ecost zoco. 2 3 4 VILLAGESINUCAITAK,SHAOGARITEHSILSHAOGAR'OISTRICT WASHUKPSDP05485 CONSTRUCTION OFWSSWffHSOLARSYStEMlNO#ERÉNt 684791' VILLAGESINUCAITAK.SHAOGARLJALAWAR (SOLAR] VILLAGESOFWASHUK TOWN OISTRICt WASHI-I* PSOP CONSTRUCTION OFWSSWITHSOLARSYSTEMINOI# E VILLAGESOF "SOP 53957* Pub'iC rules. 2014 ø&bullrocuretneni artie:d out iO acccetance W'h Eligibility:&bull The Contractor Fifi have valid June 2025 i.e/NTN,Salesmard8RAOe who areter*tered supølersard are active tax gayer list BTL} olÉ8R S BRA etficate by bark Fim have last three years e , be given to authccized deakr in the relevantfebd. firmmust have vald SO . Anafidavil cdRs. thatthe 9m has oct been bitacV, '"tea An ofWIOC'&bull that fm has rotgiven Ncn&bull Autronty letter in case cd representm company, autnc&euro'izec representatcn af company wu crib' duly attested byfrst nrölb&euroarowed. ftcrm .AI should oepravidéd 10 If'* undersigned. Methed Procurement:- Singe Stage. One Proceeare Documents: issuance: 'Aili be aliet gublieatic&bulltt at wet' ae.ave sag c:r.tena fee cf 2500f&bull ift Shapo if toado' account (i) of earrosl money*ecort" denst refundable. titsotnission and time wt-&bullchcan atso be v.ewe:d tee 'hatao CS*'CtderwiEbe and Submissåom The Oddi filled abno kith suggor,ing documents must be deliæreC on cc before till 12:00 PW Opening--terder WII opened on 02.0+2024 Ot'.0C PM t:efcce grocvemen: commwttee in the inquiries ang opening wilt af rne "Vashvk Engineer PRO Public f-W&bullth Engineering OlviSlon Washi." c ews paper u, from Jang dated 09 July, 2024
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