Public Health Engineering Division Surab Tender Notice for Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Construction Of Solar Systems, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE TENDER tne Execut•.e Eng.-tee,' PHE Oii'ieon Surati iff"ted the seatec R GOB Fee and item rates ContranrsF:rms fc' Earnest limit tS.N0 'WSS zusw•eaooo so SO solar z.'6.av 2.16* u 4 C•mst. SÜr i'"'SS Ch.M E—m. Gier WSS Mat Saran K• *att 00 SO Qalanda.iRi 00 sear WSS K.• Sarno WSS Surat' 'PSOP 00 00 00 01 HSS KA Su•ati trsc•o 24260 *485323 SO N2SOM85d23 SO 242±0'485-43 SO sour Coyst Saar "'SS •Cerau Ss@b (PSC'P iij aasotag.seoo Chau iij 00 SO Crest Soar system WSS Gav Khm Za• . iij SO J u•ma Jeri Cu•t or •system WSS Buz KAI.' Hyoc•hi sea.' 00 SO sea.' azsorasaa3 aasoraaaoa Hassan Letwi 00 SO 0 Cen W WSS SO' No'* IPSOP SO sy:spm R oden' B•kna z smu 2.164M 2.100.' 2.03* v 2.542M 2.164 v _g.g+4b.' Cc;tl't WSS Shana. Gay (PS.DP SO WSS 2.0362 V The be Pubic The must h avg reneq,ec up to date regis:rÜCt1 with BasicEligibiIity;• h Pakistan *ant Ca , GST SERA The utncoaed at•td par attesz•a b'} Or Class 215 Æ'C 61 30 Cert.'cates, The firm Goccs Dec:æaoac Sip. •tpment:eæ. Venture is rot altoaec Pott Shi Cocumer:ts verscat•cn. Letter cf credit ILC."ORA At be øm•ided •n the urcesgnea. Ccroactcr,'Firm tenter any' STAGE, ICO Thc n C - -PHE ter,det Fee though Green Chiil&l i"' gartk SufiSb FO' acre, systems, onw Ftrms teleprone Eid Eid after or iCttee c-• aganst each +0"; arc otiqinai CNIC. Star. wm cedes hO&3 COC•3 Sette•t'. TENDER DOCUMENTS ISSUANCE The Fin should dawrload ani Siddu•n From VMW.BPPRA.ORC.PR sueMlSS10hi? for OPENING at 12:00 PH. Place inquiries. and will be; AODRES,S the Executi.e PHE Other ecad' liar'S NOTE e: tse notec ro peed areer oe accenee'eræ•tmec arc tre 4B:uZ wr•tå:•-• the the terms Suretions:ytes c,' the can be seen hors cd tte . sign have fights to any conditon. Tt',e Tencet' formOccuments ae BPPRA PRO No. 145/08-07-2024 c ews paper ExecuUve Engirwt PHE u, from Jang dated 09 July, 2024
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