Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Sohbat Pur Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER PPSH Oegartment Ostr:ct $0ht:gt Par. inv&s seaed percentage rate terder based on SChedLße or rate 2023 Government of amended up-to daæ from interested cmtractor i firms for the 'stea Pitoney tenae« fee Rs •e iE:h Nane WON 3 6 7 8 12 13 17 20 013*10 Naseer Orain Near Nazar Muharnmac Kt',os.autRoapa (PSOPNo. TSE-N2SCWSOS3 Road No. TSE.N2SC747S2S3 Cmst: Raed F arm to MarketFrcmGothAbdul SattarKhosahGoth Ueher TSE-242507475303 Coast nairaegn Cutvert Ren: of 8T Roadt,talgczar S*ijaråKhosa iCarstcfBTRc•i Frcrn SomalariRoadto limam Aii GothAbdui Khaba GothLinkSardä,r Khan Goth (PSOPNo. 1502024-2$ TSE-242SC748043 Const: of 8 T Road Sohbal Put Raman KhOGä Shah (PSOPNo.15512024-25) TSE.24250748313 Ccnst 01 g t Road Ghulam Rasool Road 'Otajq TSE.2Q5t74U33 Cmst: of a r Road From Ct. Habibul Rehman Khan KhosaNearAkftar KhanKhosa Const of8T Road Sim ShakhtoMuhammad KanranifPSDP No. 1 752 2024-25} TSE.242S07480753 CO'iSI: 018 T Road MOIvi0aditgakhSh RCödtOGOth Muhatrnt&dAyaubKartatti Cmst: of B r Road dianiRoad to AzizuVah man & 2m IOSpan Culvert (PSOPNo.17622024-25) TSE.N2SOU81223 Reh: of BT Road Sher Wharvnad Cross (Remaining Po.•tgon) & Reh: OfBT Raed Cmst: R.oa.d Nasir KhanChutaråa•t anatid(Remaarårg Portion) Cong: Spat' Culvet'tonMiror Rear &31hAmaueeen Knar. Khos0iPSDP FLL. 1 770 202425' Ccnst: or a T Road FromGOth MerterAli Begh Bai BhdgetOGCh Harthi (PSOPN0.18082024.Z5> TSE.242507481S3 Constructjcn Cd Blae Fann to Margot F rom DC Office 45907M It,3S4V 11.001 U 12952M 25310M 17.810M 25314M 19.142M '3.143M 3.837M 17.180M 255%'/ 15533M 47.241 U 35856 M the Shau accctnar,ce With ff putliC Ptocuretr•.ent Authority us, 2014 BASIC ELIG184LlTY•. The have vatid regs&aton Pakistan Engr.eerit•g Courol in CS (CEO 1 *ith tax authorities Sates tag Oega Expehence. The B,eng fm nusl rot be last years. Registratjc€" Céltficatc PROCURVENt: ISStnnce; The Contractor i Firms discøne zn obtain tme , Tttree Yeats Relevant wc" any procuring agency c' Pakjstam Turn-over cd Active Tax METHOD OF r DOCUMENTS: with PEC in *'O'ernertoned categori iO 'él•ovant the address menthrec belctk on production af green challan in Tie head through Go.•emrjertTteasury v can te don-filc&ded from wetsiteaf BPPRA, from dae on me wems€te cd BPPRA. The cVilrac:tor ftrns obtain green challan fonm by registeree them ItOt•tt web:s.ite also to t.icned fee. Thedocumentsif requested bymaåuill be pronvdydispatched cost ot mail Aill earne the applicant. however. uraer the Procutir.g be hCid responsible late d01c."' or IOGS Ot oscurne•nts so nt"d. Earnest Vlo:ney as be suba•tkted Yle formcf Oeocsit at Cal crBank guarantee a oead LingalSubtttiSSiOtt: Bidergooturnents 'My WithCCOiOS of supp«tjrg nustoe eel•veredin sealed envebpes by hard or throughregistered maitto at%t'eSS Of up Opening, becpenedcn 2S-C7•Z02Z, at 13,-00 Hrs. before ptccurement [email protected] tn tnepresencea•l contractors or representatives 01 issuance and submission be:• Engineer (Rosa ) CW.PP8HDopattnent CiStritl SOhb.a:r Put Telephone No: 0838-603044 E-mail Addnss: Bidvalidity 90 days Terms and Conditions: Terrrts ard corditjons are mentioned in detail bidding dccun•gntsAProcurngAgency may carce tedding process at tene to acc:eøtence 01 bid Ot ptooesal, as ørovison i't BPPRA rule 2014. Note: 00 rtOled that no Pay Order AcceptWEnte11ained firm'S complete should on Cill Deposit. PRO Nmt45/'08-07-2024 c ews paper CWPP&H Sohbat pur u, from Jang dated 09 July, 2024
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