Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Limited Faisalabad Tender Notice for Manufacturers,Suppliers,Store,Wherehouse , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER Evaluation Criteria 9 10 11 I Suspenécn "ting lor Conductor Fitiing Gdütdö Ea;th Wire span JoiM for Earth Wue ; Stod Wire Single pension ft!ting fir OXHrt•n sq Earlh TENDER NO.NCB-670/FESCO/PM WGSClDEPOSIT-WORK)/2024-25 FESGG TEN DER NO.NCB-656/F ESCO/PM U DEPOSIT-WORK)/2024-25 06 03 03 03 Tme' gate d cdTa•der Evaluation Criteria Time Oate of Terge Tender be evaluated "As. Whole Tender Bansi" Troe&Oäted Tender & d' rerder ttetm Faluatjon Criteria evaluated a Whole Tender ßa•ti5" 145üÄXA. Anp•, 1 IOV DC Circuit (etlet"'ded creepage) With Steel Suppcrting Struaute. b)ltsand tetrninal per concerned WAPDRi' Specification Iumended 10 TEN DER NO.NCB-6S ESCO/PM DEPOSIT-WORK) 12024-25 WSTPLIHH cnnectcr tYßIMLH ä'petconcetrpd l?date} to date iOS. Evaluation Criteria Time & Elem Tender,will beev.luated "As a Whole Tender Basis? unit Ckuntit" 9 10 lamen&d f Aluminum hpe Jong 6311m • concerræd WIPOAT9EPCj.'ü1UkSpeof1k'iion I *jirt'inutn dii WAPDA' Spkifxaiet' emended ioda Earth Rod brtq as (amendedto date gout* Groove PG for hmm Specifißli;.n per n , merdedtodat 1 1 KV Specification todate) Amp ICN B-pölé Su"FtGg Structu:e. bolts tetrninal per concerned Specification larnended to TEN DER NO.NCB-658/F ESCO/PM U /GSC( DEPOSIT-WORK) 12024-25 TENDER NO.NCB-671 'FESCO/PMU/GSClDEPOSlT-WORK)/2024-25 Tree & date c' cd Terd€f Time Evaluation Criteria Transformer Ampalarg 'Kith Steel Supmtting Struavte, (Inps & "cutin•g bohsas t once med (atrteoded to date) Ten*' Evaluation Critevia Item Tender will be evaluated "AS a Whole Tender Basis" Llnit Quntjts en-ni noting as pet ccyxemed WAPO" DC Specification (a men&d to date) ting as grouting and terrnin* Seti Sets hos. Umt 14S RV Neutral for 1 JIKV with Steel Supporting GLBöit coote,rned 39 4 9 u 1 IIV Moor Termination Iodate IndoötÄiB 430 3/Corecat:le per date iifi€e Caili$e type!.sper.ccocemed (ahRfidkito date) & lÉECSE8daVdÜ•201Æ ) Moudt.rtype8 •i TENDER NO.NCB-672/FESCO/PM 4 8 801-403/1 Amp along wilh per concerned WAPOAMPCO'MCC Specification (unerded to date) hik€-t,ietenng C, Amp. Accuracy WS ps Groutingwtsas with Supportirg Structures, leoninal Bolts as F corremedWAPfjAj• 10 date) extended oeepag•e distance along With Steel Supporting Structures. Clunps & Gtooajng 8dts as contetned (antg•endCd to date} TEN DER NO.NCB-6S9/F ESCO/PMU DEPOSIT-WORK) time Of Unit unit Trne&üiteot Fetövjq« & tote Of rer•der Item valuation Criteria 13Z{11SKV, WS MYA, trardwnerwfth erte•ded abrtgBithEVJtV ten-rind P-46:3" TENDER NO.NCB-673/FESCO/PM rtrne Date g' rerder Item Beycnption Evaluation Criteria 1 'KV. 25 KA, fM Evaluation Criteria Oasis" Isolator arooq mth & S*dfication to date) 145"' 8us¯iGi'iGGkåiQitc« with (unended KV LÉV1501åtoFålonqwith qruaure (arnendéd to datel 145XV Line bolator Capacitor 4 WA POA'PEP(O/' NIOC Specification (unended to date) asper •CCCtnector w as per 09 18 01 Ltmt Ql.entlt* 01 14 TEN DER NO.NCB-660/F DEPOSIT-WORK)/2024-25 lameoded to date) Iamdg•d 11 pe ra TN'* & oated c' Terdff Time & Tend8 Hem Oescnpt»on Evaluation Criteria 132XV Metal oxide Surge Prester with Steel S.portin•9 Stnxtwe, Tegmt'äl COIvve€10'S & Grouting 132XVMetäloxi&SutgeArrester 132KVCapäCit0•r with Steel & Grouting Bolts as pet cor«ened WAFOAIHPCO.'MO•C Specification lamended to date) Meial corxerned WA POANEPCORITDC {amended to Otel unit Ountit" 09 TEN DER NO.NCB-674/FESCO/PM 1/2024-25 ; 11:COAMIh'üb'2C24 Date Terder Item Dewvtion Evaluation Criteria Pare* TX to Ccntn:d para MO 30 d,ge) TENDER NO.NCB-675/FESCO/ Terpdet tifi"e & Oate or O*tingct tender lt«n Degnot•on Evaluation Criteria with software comecti'i3 Spenfcatm (arer&d to date (ama•ddtodate} Panel aton f.amff+dtodatel TENDER NO.NCB-676/FESCO/PM Date of Item Ev aluation Criteria 1 iQatCr. TENDER NO.NCB-677 TENDER NO.NCB-661 IGSC(DEPOSIT-WORK) 12024-25 unit Qwnl'0 01 -Umt l,'mt €0 Tre & Oated TTdc•r ; Time otoperim of ttem unit Vuurvlit'* LEygluatjon Criteria Tender will be evaluated '*AS a Whole Tender Basis" kv Wiki/ au unit set TEN DER NO.NCB-662 ESCO/PMU DEPOSIT-WORK) 12024-25 'Jhit Evaluation Criteria TendeovilLbeæya/uateCOnitem.Wisa R " Non Ceramic Potymer Inulators 100-01 as leakage(btaxe 56161mml Petrnigible Section length (mmJ 3ÄV Polymer Inular.,ri Minimum leakage 5616 Imml Petmi95ibkSecti.on lenqth IOS (mm) TEN DER NO.NCB.663 IF ESCO/PM DEPOSIT-WORK) '2024-25 Tune & Oate ct cd TerdEf Evaluation criteria j DIXV Time & Cate of j type as per WAPOA/N Time L Evaluation Criteria Igme&tateofoverpngotlerøer TEN DER NO.NCB-664/F DEPOSIT-WORK)/2024-25 'term Tender,w KSR f.a.nv&d to FNth as to to Oared Retet/ing Ider lime Oate lender Item Evaluation Criteria 1' KVCapacitorUmtS20NVAR43MVARaspercocef'EdWÅ.PDM'EPCOJ'NIDCSxofKÆionCuneMedtodate) unit Quntit7 90 TEN DER NO.NCB-678/FESCO/PM WGSClDEPOSlT-WORK)/2024-25 i 11:03 AMO&ü8/2024 1200 NoonWOS,Q024 Wi and post SXifitati00 (arnended to datel set as conce W Item [)esaiption Evaluation Criteria Ccnt'd G bk KTDC TENDER Unit Quntjt* 100 TEN DER NO.NCB-665 ESCO'PMU DEPOSIT-WORK) 12024-25 Tine & Oated cd Terder I Tme & Oate Terd«; Hem 'Evaluation Criteria 132 W TOwe•r tm with allied a«esstriB withcRlt stub'S & cleats per Specification IW30 «rxernCdWÅPOA"iI KV Towertype along withall allied withiNt stub & cleats per WAS'D.AJNTtr 4 3LMetetteg Exténs.ion alliéd bolts pct unit Evaluation Criteria 12:20 lt«r renderwi/LbeeyaluatecEAs•WhQleTender.ßasis: to TEN DER NO.NC ESCO/PMU DEPOSIT-WORK)/2024-25 TEN DER NO.NCB-680/FESCO/PM E POSIT-WORK 1/2024-25 Trne&üated Tender Evaluation Criteria ilt-ne & Oateofoper•nqcf TendeT Item Tender will be evaluated -on 'tem Wise Basis" Umt 01 Time & of Terd« Tgnc& Oatect cd Terdet 'tem Evaluation Criteria 131XV landatiae type lowe alocg mth allied agessc«ies as per Specification (P-139;1980). Tgne& date cd Terder j Time of Tend*' Evaluation Criteria j 1 .VE,arttyoqM.g 4 it 3,8S4metetwitttcross-kneeaad accesscdies unit unit Q•x.t't'f TEN DER NO.NCB-668/F ESCO/PMU DEPOSIT-WORK)/2024-25 ity •'„•$'*'*"$wy''.tv..e.oæ.'.z:s 04 t •9220691'3* 041-922039720'* O Newspaper ( 09 Jul, 2024) gate d Terd•er Evaluation Criteria Joint fctRail 6 KClump Rail Conduct« Set 9 K Clumpfoc!'jrå ; Time nem unit Quntit7 see 81 30 from Dunya dated 09 July, 2024
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