University Of Engineering & Technology Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Furniture and Fixture,Furniture , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE Building & Works Department TENDER NOTICE Sealed proposals on Single Stage Two Envelopes (Technical & Financial Proposal) basis are invited by the Building and Works Department, UET Lahore from the manufacturers, authorized dealers and suppliers/sale agents/distrjbutors of well reputed firms' companies to supply Furniture and Fixtures in accordance with the specifications attached with the bidding documents. s. Description Procurement of Furniture and Fixtures under Project 1. Titled "Rehabilitation / Upgradation of Dilapidated Estimated Price Time Limit Two Months Physical Infrastructure at UET Lahore". Tender Fee 5,000 The tender/bidding documents can be obtained from the day of publishing of this advertisement on PPRA Punjab website from the office of the undyriigned during office hours (08:00am to 03:00pm Monday to Friday) on production of receipt Ofs Rs.5.OOO/- (non-refundable), deposited in the University Main Account No. 01287902801499 maintained with Habib Bank Ltd. Engineering University Branch Lahore, copy of the Bid ing' Documents is available for information which can or In case the also be downloaded from the websites bidding documents are downloaded websites, the required cost of the bidding documents shall be paid/deposited in IJET Acc u t No. 01287902801499 with HBL, Engineering University Branch Lahore at the time of sub j Sion of bids. The Bid Security/Earnest Mon @2% of the Estimated Cost jn shape of call deposit rseceipt in the name of Treasurer, U hore is required to be submitted along with the Bid/Tender, otherwise the offer shall b r Jected for being non-responsive- The last date for submis of bids/tenders is 05-08-2024 at 10:00 a.m. The bids/tenders will be opened on the same d at 10:30 a.m. in the Conference Hall adjacent to Vice Chancellor Office by the Central Procurement Cell in presence of bidders or their authorized agents who may wish to attend. &bull The re istered firms under GST and of good repute are eligible to participate. &bull No telephonic/telegraphic/email/faxed tender is acceptable. &bull Procurement shall be governed by the PPRA Rules. ENGR. ASAD MASOOD Project Director Building and Works Department UET Lahore Ph: 042-99029238 (LHR-G) O Newspaper ( 08 Jul, 2024) IPL-6477 from Dawn dated 08 July, 2024
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