Pakistan Air Force Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of High Pressure Oxygen Houses With Enf Fittings,General Order Supply , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN AIR FORCE OPEN TENDER NOTICES SEALED TENDERS ARE INVITED BY THE FOLLOWING BASES UNITS FOR THE SUPPLY PURCHASE I REPAIR I OVERHAULING OF MENTIONED ITEMS. s. 01 424527/P-42 High Pressure Orygen Hcces with End F Itte•tgg Une Item 02 Cty CIO* + Opening EAVar Pak 23-07-24 Ctgmct'thsaftergnirg Of contaa 1030 WS Contact Person Ph No for Detail: For S. No 1 ADP.42 051-9281362 "PAF 'Ceneral instructions Suppliers guidelines to participate in tenders) Download e. Tandet NO 101 ALC BASE FAISAL 0214547087 Class C 8 MESC Items. Abrauve Paper Emery, B.'Jbble Sheet Carton Box IDJff Saes}, Ccntae Ceener, Deep, Extension Board. Foam h, Cas F-ü. Gas Freon 410. Gloves, Glue White. Nail Steel Cl Regellent Insect. Ped Lod Iron Special, Pant (AJI COIC<$, Piaste Sheet, PW Lasani, Pcl'ft.ttene Bags (AJI Sizes), Polytene Sheet, Pob'tt•ine Green. Rubber Sheet Samad Bond, School Begs. Screw Sheet Las.ari. Steel put* Nyban. Tapes (Masking. Insulation, Transparent, Adhesive. Packing}, Thermopore, Thinner. WDAO. Wite Brush, Wood Kat, Computer And Electroric Accessories: Battery 12 V (7AH„ Cable HDMI, Cable Printer, Cable Speaker, Com.$•uter Céll, Key Board, Mouse. Power Catie. Ribbon For Dot Matrix. Rjbbtn Pint. Saleve Heater Uprinters, u TP Cable cat-6. VGA Cave 15 USB Cab,ie. Cable (Oitt Sizes}. Cell Dry I.SV (Recttargeeb'e, Nan Rechargeable). Tows (PPC. 12A. 17A. ISA. 26A. 3M. 48A. 53A. ESA. IOTA). CLOTHING White S.3. Badge corac Golden. geot N'/O•n '"mite, Eitanw Bag, Gloves Coban White. Name Plate. Rank Combat At Ranks}, Shoes Sports White {Cheetah A1 Size}. 'Y&st Sumrner CD 2022 (All POL : GEAR OIL. GREASE GP, OIL SRAKE DOT-S. ENG (SAE Zow-50. SAE 20'"-30, SAP SAE SW.30. SAE SAE 30. SAE SAE 501. Oil Stf Tellcs CLEANNG 'RATERIAL: Bleach,ng PO-A'der, Cloth Muslin White Cloth Polishing 1811B, Crosol Liquid, C&ass Cleaner. POIish. Kerosin grade Plastic Palish. Polish Flocc Polish, henyl Liquid, POIiSh Car 402. Powder CJeaning II-SS, Rags Colcared. snap Wet. Yellow Bar, STATIONARY Correcting Fluid O O eogsm. PPC Paget A-4 Sae, Envelopes (SEAS, SE•6, SE•6A, Stet, SE-TA. SE-8A}. Eresse, sot File Binder 10115 Cotton TP. File Clip Plastic. Graph paper goose, gum Liquid. Note Sheet green, Paper Drawing Cartridge White, Register Runed (1 Ors. 2 Orsv 3 Ors, 4 Ors), Stamp Ped CBIacK Blue). Tag Cotton 5 Srr.a.". Threed Ball White. Pin pager 2 (132 column & ao cpc}, Pager 3 55 GSM, ao MT SPARES: Battery 12.5AMP, 40AMP. 50AMP. 55AMP. EOAMP. 70AMP. IWAMP. IOSAMP, 110AMP, t20AMP, '3SAMP g 140AMP)- OILAND Af Filets IGuatd) All Renge Tyres (AJI Saes} As Reqy, Specifications j' SCCpe Of works O' the item'S j' workS menticoed above be obtained tam Logistcs PAF Armen Academy, Kotangi Creek, or on Ma•b'te Na 0321-9147887, Tel. Cil.9%S3863 ILOGI 8ettenes Marnter.ance Freei•12V 2S Amp to 220 Amp, Tres Ti.xes (A1 Types vetitles}. Paints 8 00*s, MT spares & Filters Types), MT; Toners (All Types). Air Conditignei;s" Refrigerant Gas, 'iVOCd+ChP Board, Finng Transpot%. C harling Material Items (A' Material IAII types}. Statione types), Unifort•n Accounttements typesb MÄ.c:elWteous Items (IT Equipmen t. NC twerking Équgment Coifimon Use items) •estimated quantity Note:- specifcaions ard subject to authorization and (which rnay vary S to awmg albtated Lund! LP list Of common use items ard sample can be. eata•ned from LOOI Purchase NO 110 ALO Tact•cal Jacket IA]I Szes), Tactecw Tnauser IAU Sizes). Tactical Shirt (A' sizes}. Tactical Vest (AJI Sizes) As Req), Note: use 02 separate envelopes for & Ovo•utione ITWO envezp tender)' Detailed specs can be collected frCtn NO 110 ALD. PAF, Further detAi1S cc«r.plete specfications. may be colected No 110 PAF UeleNo. 0323-9428?14, 042-9950.?221) TERMS AND CONDITIONS:- Transpagtzn PAF j from No 10t ALC. PAF Karachi, to Islarnab&d. Rawalpindi, Kemra_ Shorkot, Peshawar, R•selput. Smurali, Mirpur Khas. Sukkur, Jacobabad. Chor Cantt, wengla, Kamra via Rawalpano. Sargodha vu Mianwali, Pestuwar Risalpur. Risalpur via Kamra. Peshawar via Rawalpindi. lilianwali via Sh.rkgt„ Rawalpindi vie Mianwali. Rawalpindi Mushat Rawalpild'i vie Shcdc.;t and any coer specified location Wittin country (a) 20 Ft 40 Ft Trucks, Trailer (Aggrax B*'9ht up to 10 TCO 8 2S Too respective}}, {With (Hevght g 6 Inch) and without äntajrwj (b} 20 Ft 40 Ft Flat Bed Trucks, Ttaøer weight up to 10 Ton & 25 Ton respectively) {c} 24 Ft & 40 Ft Low Bed Trailers IApprox weight up to 20 Ton & 30 Detail PAF stores and destination te inforrned an •as and when basis by No 301 ALC. Fasal. wepttcne Nc. Cell: *228705 Reqj NO AEO PAF BASE FAISAL 021-90547321 ccyso 100 MHZ -3CHZ MMIC„ (2000%' Sd,d State Power TFT 5.0 avgA 5 INCH 320X234 TFT 5.0 to EUH O.IOA 1210 RF Chaue. 04 6122 Imu RF Chee. 3,3V SCHMITT - TRIGG. AE 16 75 V 215MA High SpeedDcde. V, LD MOSF MHz Diode. RADIAL R57N13000 COAX RELAY SEIA av. 470PF CG 47CPF. SOOV, DIODE, DIODE, 5A Power BOX. SA SIN' Penet BOX, INF CC IPF+-O.IPF SOOV CC Porcelain Capacitor. CC OFF .-O.IPF soav ego. Capacitor, CB 2XINF SYD S*D.C€RAMIC.PI.FILI€R. RG RG 0815 SMO.Resistcc. SM6T12CA suppressor Di0dQ. SM6T39A suppressor Diode. OPF CC 500V Capacitor, 3.3VE-wv SCHMITT-TRIGG. BO TDA7052AT 80 30VCLT-Oniy Flash volt o,nl} Flash Memory, 60%.1801.00 LOMOSFÉT, 61057254.00 card, Rour,a Connector 00. In Clamp Connect%. SB2CNL. bidium OSCillätor. For further techfiicat 6110. Ofic:aticets and company make; model, phone No LAHORE 03239415715 Clea;nng Matenal Items. StBbonary Items. Packing Preservation Items, All Type cd Toners 8 Ribbons, Ait Ccnddiorers split ard standng (t to 4 Tonnage}. A' Mcdel of Batteries to 200 AMPs IACid Mantenance free}. All Types of Guard FAters IMT Vehicles). ursiform Atcoutrements (Clothing IternSJ, Mescenaneous Items ie (IT Equipments. Networking Equtgment:s, C.cavnon use Iterns). A1 type of Air Conditioner Cases, A1 Ines Of MT Tyres, Paper wittt various grams; kibes. Note; Detail Specifications and annual estimated Qty SCblect to authoraaton and trer•d anaysis vary 5 to Obing to allccated fund} for LP c' iterrts be Cbtaine:d torn LCgiSbCS squadron (MObde: 00239415715} PAF COLLEGE LOWER Provision of Ratjcn (Flour. uses, Rce. Sugar S Condirnents etc) and Fresh ration (Muttcn. Beef, Cts—en FiSh. Em Fresh Vegetables. Fresh Fruas etc} and rna•ntenance items Pre•Cadetsi Mess (As Regt, Oewed specificatbns, terms ard ccoditjcns can be colk•cted frccv Mess Manager ere-cadets. Mess PAF ceege Lower Tope Murree, For further informatie•m Please on Phane No 1, terms ard cor.nons are menbgned in tender (F-52BAJ, Forrns gnd tender rotices complete detads dowt1102ded from PAF website •* or can obtained from Log Sqns cn vo;rking days. The firm m•st be CST and professional Tax registered having NTN. 23 2024 6000 4. Tenders will be opened on same day at 11COtuts. 5. No advance paym«tt will be made ard payment be SL.Oject to acceptance althe items by use activay. 6. Officers Corryna;ndjng the mentored Basest units reserve right to reject any part or the entire on ycundS. must be valid 8. Sales Taxasa*ieable mustbe mentjonedseparatew. g. Guarantee Warranty term j shcv.lld also te merboned. to, be governed byotficial secret æt. 1923. O Newspaper ( 08 Jill 20åäj from Dunya dated 08 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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