Livestock & Dairy Development Department Skardu Tender Notice for Purchase Of Velednary, Medicine,Dairy Feed,Purchase Of Farm,Purchase Of Parent Flock,Purchase Of Dairy Cows , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No.DDL.SKD.18/2022 Government of Gilgit-Baltistan Office of the Deputy Director Livestock & Dairy Development Skardu TENDER NOTICE N24&bull2S L WOO* Ilhe Regnrered GOVI & below WtW*i be opened by 'ho I hov haired Apptoxlmm. 01 CO"h Svi S Of Pod PVCfr&bullase Puct&bullose &bullm 220'. mཔ 4 23.073024 11m AM det would 06.2025 Fattn.C, Registration and Bank Staternent oc Mmth8 guly 2.023 to June 2024b spedLcations etc if not mentioned and condiöon.&bulli rates Offered time be max.mum 02 veeks from Lhe date or i&bullsue of supply/vo.rk tn case ot to complete the gupptie&bull/eornpletion work 'Within &bulltipuuate:d time. total earneot mortcy Will eonn»cated f.vor or the &bulltate & &bullupplict bl.ek provide Paper dutatteated to ensure suppdy &bullwithin 02 week,' decided items bids. 2.S% the bid value in the torm or call may be deposited in favor Of Deputy Director & Dairy development Skardu otherwdsc bids are liable to rejected techniea.lly, .ubject to release or funds according to the budgetary After ot the bidi a agreement deed on registered &bulltamp hu to undertaken, & Ot & O..*.iry Skard'u. 'me having the firms out ot the OB. to tot' have btaek.hgted. would thc a.s per Gove m men t Igu&bullnee Of' SuppW/Wotk to of Fund tot development chairman ot tender committee the right to accept or rgjcct in part or whole or tender a&bull &bullule.. Dr. Ali Murad Khan Deputy Director, Livestock & Dairy Development Skardu, 05815-920235 1008-488/24 from Dunya dated 08 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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