Mineral Development Mardan Auction Notice for Auction,Minor Minerals , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** AUCTION NOTICE FOR MINOR MINERALS LEASE OF DISTRICT MARDAN Tiw Dtstr<l Aucttor. Ccnmxce ot IhslT< Mardamnwts rcwsteredcoryactars cd Wrerats Inr pytcwat»cn grant ot ','ilü&bull ' lease ot the tolbwingübcks DiStritl Mardarundet010'isi01 Cd Stctjon-7B SCCtjcn Khyber PakhtLNhwa Mines Mineral Att 2017 ror Of year lease on aasiS 01 iS iS' against ard ÉPOGit cati blockin OftiC@Ot OCWtyCOtn1t'iSSiutetMä'tajn 30,གྷ. at 11 in case O' dJ2tO reun, be *111 &bullm. Ftrthd.r Ot O'tabü'* ntet'bcned raasott dite be dec&d by DistÉtt Ddtans ait Giver b6kyw&bull 2 6 71 It. 12 3. a.od locati:o.o the a,'ea near 22.3B d eoc:ee fi9f' ྗ HaruaK01 avesol vvccr area near &bullcres '{Vdan near g6 SF Clijstnc:l Mmcan *tCS near '* Min Yihan 7672 zd Distn.:t "'vd.a&bulln Vicar area near an area Vtr« ner iiDaqe an alea 01' IS. 1 0 aoes 4B' area near an area 01 31.65 acre MSNWn. the Rs.1.1sa,ojC'- RSI,C.COO'. b10Ck'*ea fis3.1gcgom&bull. RS.12 TERMSANOCONOITION$ registered with 0 iæctoratc Gere:al Min Ek & Ktrib5 PakhtL"Ohwaas Minor V,ingaJsContractuscan [R.rti,zoatein Peshawar as reg&bullor.a.l The ti&bulle.SYVtdoidLQlS Shat "Jbtt'it at COSI 01 RS. 10200b gen & TWO mrt&bull 2. 10. 11 12 13, 14. IS. Oerauidf øetSOt&bulltS Ot persons interestec part* can b'i*t in 01 Can depostl sh.Z Bankcd IOGtered with üirectrgat&bulle Genet* Mines Minerals are rot allowed to auction , sketches cd te *rtjes ཊ-0m and a.pøcabon lee urd<acccunqo. 0066-200820BZtS inevy The iStere&bulld Shal ateste,d COCiCS or ICE iOCCCtid tax cetifiCate ('NTN} par deewartoes memoraneumatassoc (it 4Dli&bulltarttiSDarmetShö firmcomoarty). The bideesrtall deacytV44hot ne as securty three days yc&bullm tre ot aucssa, oterwise. tec&bullasit oe lc,eeaea iO treGow nentartdtre ot second higrest ei< te cc.nsjd,eteø as rnctem bid, toccodi'jon mat Thesuccessfut witt'infiitæn tars tram theis:suanceol expenses The bidder Excise to Mines or on notified Tte swcesstu.l allotment letter sh*bc bcundtc tepoSdwthhc&bull16ng tz«urdg 1 wtn TiVoeoa.rtJttent PIO',esSiona.l Tax as OdV,. F.rtit&bulletPakJ'tÄf'Wa. The successojl biO:1dtWll 10 omet Y,hyber P',kffuttkltwat.litesa Mitter*lÅtt201 7. The Slßcessu tidder snu to work saseø area strictly accortatu» Khyber successful be chanzv for transpartÜn at illinor nirgra15 dub' veriled Assi5tYfl Jransg..rtancn a ve:ntiet cnaga.n oe as anc 0,' Act lessee as The successful wan tne XfiperP±fr.tunknwaMlnesB 201 g ZldRuetfreregt Thectl%ktent authority reserves thelb$llto acceptor leiect with cc.entrea,soo. tat* be e Assistant Director (Tech) Mineral Development Mardan o Newspaper ( 0/ Jul, 2024) from Mashriq dated 07 July, 2024
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