Public Health Engineering Division Nushki Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Drilling and Development,Solar System,Water Supply Schemes , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE sealed 341 as 'Ai are invited public Ocp.arttret&bulltt BPFRAWhO Of C OR Time each BO". NO Name 2 3 4 6 iiJ 10 iiJ 12 13 ii)t 15 17 *WSSALONGWITHSOUARSYSTEMKIUIMIR SULTAN MOHAMMAOESSACHAH NO.533ä Orliin.gard upt03C0 feet Depth (CIVILWORKj ISE.U2SOU8386ä "WSSALONGV"HSOLARSYSIEMKILLIBILAL Orilingar.d up to 500 teet oepth TSE-24Z507483843 ICMLWORKlTSE.2A250748390J OISTRICTNLISHXI IPSOPN0.551E) MAHALL.AHStAt10NAtD4StRICtNUSHK1 (PSOPNCS53) Orilingard Oe&bull.ebpmentcd Bote up to SOO±et WORK) TSE.242S07483973 WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKIWMENGEL ortlin&bullgarød oeves:wmentCd80teup Depet SALEH MUHAMMADANOFATAH MURANMADMALL ATO'STRICI ON ingard Oevebpmerac{ Bore up tn 500 Dept' TSE-2425074UOS3 (CIVILWORK) TSE.242S074840B3 WSSALONG WITHSOLAR SYSTEM KILLIHASHIM Ort:lingarad Bote up to 450 Y (CIVILWORKj WSS RAMZANKUCHAKL (PSOPNCSS84) Orilingar.i Oevebpmerdot Bore up to 450' teet Depth WSSALOG WITH SOLAR SYSTEMKILU ZARAIN JUNGLEATOISTR}CTNUSHKIPSOPNO.SQSJ Ortlingand oevebpmentCd Bore up to 400 R TSE.2425074U213 JAN DISTRICT Ordlingar.d up Depn (CIVILWORK) TSE-242SOUU323 WSSALONGWIYHSOLARSYSTEMKILLIQAZIABAO DISTRICT NUSHK1(PSOPNOS74" ONI ingargd oeuebomentcd up to 700 'oe DC-pyt WITHSOLAR RASHEED CIVIL WORKItSÉ-242SOUBdUä WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILLIHAHZ AKHTAROISTRICT NUSHKUPSOPNO-S792) ONI inga rd up to 4S01eet TSE.Z425074U503 ortlingar&bulld 80te up to ASJY DOPtt WSSALONG NOKJOW Oriltngard Oe&bull.eopmentcd Bore up to &bull4001ee (CIVILWORK) Job Job 1 Job 1 JOO 1 Job 1 Job 2 Job 1 Job 1 JOb Job Job Job 1 JOO 3 Job 1 JOO 1 Job 1 Job WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILLIMUHANMAO Oruungat% 80te 1.0 3 JOO TSE-2425074Uß43 WSSALONGWITHSOLAR SYSTEMKILUBAGHAK 1 JOO OdSTFUCTNUSHK11PSOPN0,57941 WSSALONGWITHSOLARS"'STEMKILLISAXHI OAROOKHAN, LINERSHAHAT DISTRICTNUSHKL PSCPS$63 ONIingarvd Oe&bullvebpmerdcdBore up t0800teet Dept' TSE.242S074U80S iiXCIVILWORK) TSE.U2S07484833 WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILLIMOHALA (PSOPNO.5868) Otilingard Oe«ogmcracd80te to ASO"eet Or/ltngar.d Oeveopmeracd Bote up to dS0&bull1eet tSEü25074U963 t Job 1 Jct Job 1 Job WSSALONCWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILLI DISTRICT WSHX(PSOPNOSWS) Orilingard up TSE-242507484983 (CIVILWORK) 507j 4141441. 414144'. 439718B 43399w. 22776th'. 4397181. aeooow. 2600,ow. aoteoow. 6167201. 425360B 4907760b 2600001" 539760B aeoooow. aeoooow. 2883920b 439920B 946000t- 3681601. 4907760b 100000". 15001. 驍. 1500'. 6501. 1500'. 6501. 650B 1500'. 1500'. 驍. 1500'. 6501. 1500'. Or:llingarKt Bote up to JOO leet WSSALONC WITHSOLARSYSTEM QAZIABADMIJHLLAALL.AHBUXSU DISTRICT ONI inga rd OevÜpmemcdBo,re up CONSTRUCTIONOFOHSRTA LLIHAJIM. NOOR KHANATOISTRICT NO.5979 CcnstnctjonO'OHSR 700 ft IJOb OistfiCt Nißhki techric:a alcog wth sea.*d fitur&mdashvcgosaslSingle Stage-One Ere.&bullelope ) abave wot&bulls bidders a@réquirec to sunrnt cocurrgnts as fcocwing briefs in sugoc,ft of their technicaLFinancia'pOosai: Tt-e procurer-era shali caried out in accordance with Publk Procurement Rules 2014 and Paestan En$neet'ing Courol By-Lus BASIC ELIGIBILITY: The Contractor t&bullnJSt have valid reg&bullisvatjac iO 2CQ4&bull2S wm Pakistan Engifteor&bullng Ccurte:il in required Category in registrati.t*'i tag i, e CNTN.sales tag Depattmentar,a BPPRA the assignmentmenoon in the biding doctzments. rum last 3 years. Snowir.g finmctal capeaty&bull cdthe finm. TheCorraeor Civisia&bullr. PHEO Quetta in C'"ihrg Work Category for "'ilirg wcgk in carent financial "Par 2024-25 eettJficato nature at last year Ctter WON Ot same gecqrapne. the Contractar must be tyac:k rot tss,ueø netce regarding af METHOD OF PROCUREMENT'- 1 Single Stage -One envelop wa BIDOINC i' OOCUMENIS: Issuance: adressmentjcnatovecnprod'"ioncdgreen Chalian firm fc« each wuk shown each deposited in of account Civil through GO'" ear". O! Pakistan W.JShki ot can the '*EbGite Of 4PPRA ,dVing ttwr, dato c' C' etiS i.rmwt&bullon in nexspapers one pror date ot The Obtan tso:iing by tiem #omBPPRA websde required to procedure deposited green Challan "om cd a tov,e rner&.ned Fee. bids must accompenied bd security for each in fom cd can degcsit are tank cd arncunt specified in the cee nan&bull.e of the urød&bullet Signed from a tank. NO amy Bank OraftS & Banker Chee will be acceptable ooadlineo&bullt SOb'fiiSSiOn: tram sealed in separate rt&bulltatked type c' t"twgh mail to the mentioned on or 25 Jury 2024. at 11±00 AM Opening: The en&bullæbpeccntainirg &bulltechnical B.iCs&bull be coer.edonthe same day 2$July20N.At 12:00 P.Mbe%re in the presence bidders ortherauthorizeaæpresentat&bullæs '*ho choaseto atterd withaufict'ity letter Bids Validity: Ninetyi90) days Place: The pize cdissuance. submisso&bulln. inquiries ard opening w0 be - offce af t.t2 E.J.ecu6ve Engineer FHE District Nushki CONDITIONS All the terms and conditions can be geonrobtiin in tite Office Of the undersigned in any Office hours PRO No.i4iios-07&bull2024 c ews paper EXECUTNE ENGINEER. PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING, OIVISION KUSHKL u, from Jang dated 07 July, 2024
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