National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Telecom Equipments, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY Ltd. INVITATION FOR BIDS PROCUREMENT OF TELECOM EQUIPMENT FOR 500KV VEHARI, 500KV SIALKOT AND 220KV ARIFWALA SUBSTATIONS NTDC IPC Project Financing uncer Agence Francajse de Oéveloppement {AFO) Employer: Naticttal TransmiSSibn & Despatch Company Limited Cmntry Pakistan July. 2024 July. Name Country Islamic Reput»c Püistan teevapøemer&bulll i"D1toan. Narr&bull ot prqect&bdquol iAFO.lO.2024: PROCUREMENT &mdashl SUBSTATIONS NTOC FB 2Åi/August, 2021, 1 1 Stand*d Time) 1. The Islamic Republi Of Pakistan lecoivet:i from the Agencg FratVaise ee Dévefcppar&bullent (the Frercti Developrnent Agencyl maras ne cast ot de loan. It is intetMed that øart c,' tne øroceeos ct these 2 The Ttr Purchaser} invites sealed bids trom eligible bidders gtgnremcrd 01 mater&bullal be prccureaas cetailfollc&bullws: Lot g PROCUREMENT SUBSTATION Lot-in 3. Ifttereste&bulld etiGiblC bidders 'ttay Obtain further ftOtn inspect the at the Office Ot Chiet Engiroe.r p,qaterial , ShaneenCotrnex, Egenco ROOK], Larae, pakjsuu&bullt POSfilCOde: 540m, T&pbjne: A Pre-Bi:i IT*'tirg spall rake placeas oate: mace: Office the CttiC' & uanagementl I Company 8th , Shat'een COT'Dlex, E CöRoadLahCte. Paki SISI 4. TO DVChase the oocurnents Et".h, e&bullgible bidders ShüJkY &bull 'ifrit* to address above the lor Ktoc OF TELECOU FOH stmv &bull pay a non-refund.awe Of PIN eqnva.lentby ca,Shi$S , pay order or demand bank dratt tavcr Ot Cttet Engineer IUateiai Prccuremer.t WanaqementL NTOC. 8th Egertcn Pakjstam Ocument ewessairrrajl roran abditj«jalleeot for torcesticdelihtery .cU1t< h&bullnps .&bull//uß-dgjjturkei'. o&bullrerseas delivery. Nö liilbity Will be accepted rot IOS'S in 5. The cgm'iSjcns the rtStrOttiCOS to Bidders gtd in tlte Bidding 6, Bits office 1 by securities ICt respective 10B as Late be rejected or are the VCCI/iSim:s 01 the de fakistævfiarda,rd Aug:tst2024 must be USS3S,uaorg.9MilljonPKR reggsentativeswtncttcose to attend at 11 Stand.ardTtne), 7. 8idS w' be publit ard in 27th 202' at he offices of Ch±f Procvement& Management), NTDC, 8th Flog. Shahen Cam plex. Egerton Reed. tarore, Pak.&bullstan. 8, detans arc p«wideø in diddi'ä Ojcutmen&bulltK &bull Open conductedinaccortancewith bidders trom as cescnbedin fre BidCtng Dgcunvent. &bull me Bidders eeahjati&bullan am: quaMicatjan criteria io Section Bidding Oocuments mey Wisn to parliCi key requiremente least05years having U higrg,r racing and capacity. its propos«l c' at least similar cots,jøe The alü c4acitysuppl±Cbyth.e bidder s.mul'dhavebe<l in cultmucus perbdatatleastthree the oateot BIC opening, The bidders. arenol n&bulla.m.dtrturers t"21rtsetves, furnish an from fre ccoceme:.i n&bullanufacturer to slim it bid supply cd their qccds b3 PakjStan against this tender. FOC Ole cotnp,lete ara walificati&bullon rewiretnertts. tidders snud to the Bidding Occ.jment WhencamøehngBds&bdquoAF0'sD0TÆ1icPreferenceSchemewillbeaoßiedss1iøulatedintneBdrsng00cwnents. Chief Engineer (Material Procurement &Management) National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited (NTDC) 8th Floor. Shaneen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore, Pakistan Postal Code: 54000, Telephone: *9242-99202597 Facsimile number: +9242-99202173, E-mail address: [email protected] c ews paper u, from Jang dated 07 July, 2024
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