Civil Engineering Department Gilgit Tender Notice for Construction Of Power House Building,Generator Foundation,Crane, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No. EE-CED/W&P/AB-01/2022-23/08/20 GOVERNMENT OF GILGIT BALTISTAN OFFICE THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT GILGIT/GHIZER NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1. Sealed tender is hereby invited from the approved/enlisted Govt. contractors/firms of the Water & Power Department Gilgit-BaltistardGBPWD for the under mentioned work of Civil Engineering Division W&P Department Gilgit -Ghizer, which will be opened by the undersigned in the presence ofthe contractors or representatives who choose to attend:- Sr Name of work Cost (In Bid security Date/Time of Cost of submission Tender form Construction Of Power House Building, generator foundation, tailrace, 15 Ton 1. motorized crane, and S/F of Penstock Pipe allied Civil Work at Sai Ju lote Ph-II TERMS AND CONDITIONS:- millions) 23.908 million Rs.1é2s millibn Rs. 5,000 of Tender 22-07-2024 12:00 Pm sharp Date/Time of Opening of Tender 22-07-2024 01:00 Pm sharp a. b. c. d. e. f. h. c q@oun Registration with Pakistan Engineeri cil (PEC) in relevant Category duly renewed for the year 2023- 2024 withspecific codeCE-10,M (MANDATORY) Receiptofrenewalfeefortheye (MANDATORY). Earnest money (05%) shallb r Idedwith bidding documents, (MANDATORY). At least two similar naturer ects completed with completion certificate countersigned by Chief Engineer Office. (MANDATORY) If the bidder quotingyates below of engineers estimated cost shall be required to provide along with his bid an additional perfbrmance guarantee of 50% of the diffial amount (between estimated cost & bid cost) in the shapeof mom any schedule bankof Pakistan. (MANDATORY) Conditionalten rwill not be accepted. No tender will be sold on the date of opening of tender. Bidding document can be collected trom the Office of the Executive Engineer Civil Engineering Division W&P Department Gilgit Region on cash payment of amounting to Rs: 5000/- (non- refundable) during office hours by presenting CDR, original/valid PEC registration certificate in person, original PEC certificate and completion certificate of similar nature work. (ENGR. JAMSHEED AKBAR) Executive Engineer Authority/power of attorney will not be entertained. Civil Engineerin Division PPRAruleswillbeapplicableforwhole procurement processintwespirit&bull W&P De artment il it-Ghizer ewspaper u, from Nation dated 07 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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