Quaid E Awam University Of Engineering Science & Technology Nawabshah Tender Notice for Supply & Installation Of AC, Software Engineering Department , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** QUAID-E-AWAM UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, NAWABSHAH No. QUEST/NWPROC/29 Sakrand Road, Nawabshah, 67450 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Dated: 04-07-2024 Corrigendum/Amendment With reference to the NIT QUEST/NHPROC1180 dated: 10.06.2024 and Corrigendum reference No QUESTINHPRO- C1206 Dated: 30..006.2024 (appeared on SPPRA PPMS under ID: SPPRA: T02022-0027 dated: 14.06.2024, (1 ) T02022-23-0030 dated: 16.06.2024 (iii)T02022-23-0029 dated: 14.06.2024 and in three widely daily newspapers i.e., Daily Jang, Dawn and Awami Awaz on 13.06.20 and its hereby informed to all interested that the following correc- tions are to be noted: S.No Amendment Amendment 3. Supply and installation of air conditioners for software engineering and environmental engineering department (lab & Office) Estimated Cost 11.16 million Quantity of Air Conditioners 80 3. Supply and installation of a 03 conditioners for labs of soft9re engineering department Amendment: 1. The Work of descriptioq.@ may be read as the following: Supply and installation of air conditioners for software engineering and envi onmental engineering department.(labs & office 2. Estimated Cost Ft ork description 03 may be read in NIT and Bid Document: 11.16 million: 3. The Quantities p!+ir conditioners for Work description 03 in Bill of Quantity (BO) may be read as: 80. 4. Submission and opening date for works of serial number 01 02 & 03 is hereby same as previous Corrigendum reference No QUESTINH/PROC1206 Dated: 30.06.2024 as following: 23.0 7.2024 and the time and place remains same. All other terms and conditions remain same. This Corrigendum is issued with the approval of the competent authority. O Newspaper ( 07 Jul, 2024) Procurement Manager, QUEST Nawabshah from Dawn dated 07 July, 2024
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