Peoples University Of Medical & Health Sciences For Women Nawabshah Tender Notice for Construction Of Residential Units At New Campus, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Office of the Project Director "ENGINEERING WING" PEOPLES UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL & HEALTH SCIENCES FOR WOMEN Shaheed Benazirabad (Sindh) PMC Hospital Road, Nawabshah (Shaheed Benazirabad)i Sindh, Pakistan Tel: (0244) 930249-56 Ext: 2267 Direct: (0244) 930427 Fax: 930263 Email: [email protected] Web: No.PUMHSW / P.D / 2024 / 7654 Dated: 03-07-2024 "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION" TENDER NOTICE Applications are invited from the contractors having valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for the year 2024 in the required category as per Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules 2010 to participate in the following works Construction of Residential Units at New Campus (Package 1, 2 & 3) S.No. Name of Work Package - 1, Cost of Bidding Documents Non-Refundable Type A, Bungalows Rs. 5,000 PEC Category C-3 & above with codes CE-OI , CE -09 & EE-11. Sindh Government Electrical License required s.No. Name of Work Package - 2, 2. Cost of Bidding Documents Non-Refundable Type B, Bungalows Rs. 5,000 PEC Category C-3 & above with codes CE-OI, CE -09 & EE-11. Sindh Government Electrical License required S.No. Name of Work Cost of Package - 3, Bidding Documents Type C, Bungalows 3. Non-Refundable and External Rs. 5,000 Development Works PEC Category C-3 & above with codes CE-OI, CE -09 & EE-11. Sindh Government Electrical License required TERMS & CONDITIONS: MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: l. List of similar assignments with cost Rs. 300 Million each, undertaken over the past 5 years along with Work Order and Completion Certificate. II. Details of Equipment, Machinery and Transport owned / leased / hired by Firm / Contractor as indicated in the Bid Documents Ill. Updated Bank Statement and Audit Reports of last Three Years. IV. Affidavit on Rs. 100 Stamp Paper showing History of Litigation/s (if any) their nature and status / outcomes as indicated in Tender Document BIDDING / TENDER DOCUMENTS: A complete set of Bidding Documents including Technical Proforma can be purchased by the interested Bidders from Office of the Project Director "Engineering Wing, People's University of Medical & Health Sciences for Women, Shaheed Benazirabad, PMC Hospital Road, Nawabshah (Shaheed Benazirabad), from the Date: 08-07-2024 to 22-07-2024 upon Payment of a Non-Refundable Fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five Thousand only) through pay order in favor of Vice Chancellor, Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences for Women, Shaheed Benazirabad. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: Single Stage Two Envelopesprocedure The Technical Proposals iV/iiSbe opened first, thereafter the Financial Proposals of Bidders will be opened who qualify Technical Proposal One Contractor will b &bullSsued One Bid only. The Bidding Docu en s will be received in the Office of the Project irector "Engineering Wing, People's Univ,er ity of Medical & Health Sciences for omen, Shaheed Benazirabad, PMC Hospita Road, Nawabshah (Shaheed 23-07-2024 at 12:30 pm and Technical?roposals will be opened on the same day at 01.00 pm in the presence of Bidder's represen ative who choose to attend at the same address. Whereas the Financial Proposals of those contractors who qualify in the Technical Proposals, will be opened later on & the Date of Opening of Financial Proposals will be communicated through letter to the qualifying contractors. Earnest Money is to be attached @ 5% in the shape of Call Deposit in favor of Vice Chancellor PUMHSW, Shaheed Benazirabad. In case Submission Date / Opening Day is declared a Holiday, the same will be received / opened on the Next Working day or any other day notified. Tenders will be available on SPPRA's PPMS website and PUMHSW website procuring agency reserves the right to reject all or any bids, subject to relevant provisions of sppRA Rules-2010. Bidding Documents with any Conditions shall be rejected. Issued by the Orders of Vice Chancellor PUMHSW, SBA O Newspaper ( 07 Jul, 2024) PROJECT DIRECTOR PEOPLES UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL & HEALTH SCIENCES Shaheed Benazirabad from Dawn dated 07 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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