Pakistan State Oil Company Limited Karachi Tender Notice for Supply & Installation Of Services For Oracle,Sealing Services,Infrastructure For Differnent Floors, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PSO INVITATION TO BID Sealed E-Bids are invited through SAP Ariba from eligible contractors with adequate past relevant experience and financial ca abilities for the below ca Eioned tender(s): SR. # 1 2 3 4 5 TENDERS DESCRIPTION Upgradation of LAN infrastructure for diff floors at PSO House. Sealing Services Required at Keamari Terminals Supply & Installation of Servers for Oracle Apex Supply of Polycarbonate blue bar with LED at Retail Outlet Providing and Installation of Residual Product Removal Instructions Signage at NVROs Cen tral Zone TEN DERNO. IT-18061-AB OP-A44SO-OKR IT-18060-F1 RC-18063-SR RC-18064-SR BIDDING PROCEDURE Single Stage Two Envelope TENDERS AVAILABILITY These tenders will be available through SAP Ariba Portal only TENDER FEE.•-PakRupees 2,000/- (Non-Refundable) in favour of Pakistan State Oil Company Limited. (For Each Tender) FOR S. NO. 1 TO 5 BID DOCUMENTS COLLECTION (THROUGH SAPARIBA) BID SUBMISSION (THROUGH SAPARIBA) BID OPENING (THROUGH SAPARIBA) DATE 08.07.2024 to 2207.2024 24407.2024 24.072024 08:30 AM to 04:30 PM Till 02:15PM 03:00 PM Onwards NOTE: For Single Stage Two Envelope bidding procedure, commercial bid opening date and time will be communicated later to the technicall ualified bidders onl For Tender # RC-18063-SR & RC-1S064-SR; Valid PEC certificate of category C6 or above is required for issuance of tender documents. SPECIAL INSTRUCIIONS: Any party interested to participate in any of the tender(s) may send its request for tender documents through SAP Ariba Portal in the following manner: 1. 2. Scanned copy of the duly signed and stamped request on official letterhead of the bidder shall be uploaded on SAP Ariba Portal. In the subject request letter, please mention "Tender Documents Collection Request Tender NO. Request shall be accompanied by scanned copies of the following: a. Valid NTN, CST/PST certificates, CNIC of owner/ authorized representative. Vendor should be an active tax payer. b. Evidence of deposit of Rs. 2,000/- (mentioning the tender #) as Tender Fee in the following bank account: Title of Account - PAKISTAN STATE OIL COMPANY LIMITED [BAN: 1'K30 HABB 0007 8640 3245 3217 Account No. 0786-40-3245-3217 Branch code 0786 HBL Plaza Branch 1.1. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. This advertisement is also available on PSO website PPRA website DISPOSAL OF MISCELLANEOUS SCRAP LYING AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONSOF PSO ON AS AND WHERE BASIS Sealed E-Bids are invited through SAP Ariba from eligible contractors for the below captioned tender(s): SR. 1 2 3 4 TENDERS DESCRIIYTION Disposal of Scrap at Quetta Depot Disposal of Wood Scrap at KTC Disposal of Sludge at Lalpir Depot Disposal of QSR Civil Structure at A1 Askar, Karachi TENDER NO ARR/18S8-23-AS ARR/2016-24-AS ARR/202S-24-AS ARR/2039-24-AS BIDDING PROCEDURE TENDERS AVAILABILITY These tenders will be available only Single Stage - One FOR S. NO. 1 TO 4 BID DOCUMENIS COLLECTION (THROUGH SAP BID SUBMISSION (IMROUGH SAPARIBA) BID OPENING (THROUGH SAPARIBA) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS* Envelope DATE 08.072024 to 22072024 24.072024 24.07;2024 through SAP Ariba Portal. TIME 08:30 AM to 04:30 P TILL 02:15 PM 03:00 PM ONWARD Any party interested to participate iOny of the tender(s) may send its request for tender documents through SAP Ariba Portal in the followin ner: 1. Scanned copy of the ul gned and stamped request letter of the bidder shall be uploaded on SAP Ariba Portal In the s •ect request letter, please mention "Tender Documents Collection Request — Tender No. 2. Request shall be panied by scanned copies of the following: a. Valid N certificate (if available), CNIC of owner/ authorized representative. Vendor should be ana • ue tax payer. of deposit of Rs. 2*000/- (mentioning the tender #) as Tender Fee in the following bank b. Evide account: Title of Account - PAKISTAN STATE OIL COMPANY LIN•trrED PK30 HABB 0007 8640 3245 3217Account No. 0786-40-3245-3217 Branch code: 0786HBL Plaza Branch, 1.1. Chundrigar Road,Karachi. 3. HSBSOP and terms & conditions compliance is necessary where applicable. This advertisement is also available on PSO website rement Please note that interested vendors not having Ariba Network ID are requested to register themselves on SAP Ariba Portal by clicking on the link below to access and participate in upcoming PSO tenders. The bidders are urged to visit PSO & PPRA websites regularly for any further changes that may be updated by the Company, front time to time, PAKISTAN STATE on. COMPANY t.1MiTED FLOOR, pso IIOVSE, KHAYABAN-E-IQBAL, CLIFTON, KARACHITEL.: ill-ill-PSO (776), Ext: 3270, 2218, 2275, 2257 & 2291 For Disposal* TEL: 021-99207663 tet O Newspaper ( 07 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 07 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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