Higher Education Commission Islamabad Tender Notice for Consultancy Services , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Higher Education Commission Request for Proposals Hiring of Consultancy Firm The Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan invites sealed bids directly from consultancy firms of good repute for: Appointment of Firm/Consultant for Tax Consultancy Services &bull The consultancy firms must be Registered Bodies, duly recognized in Pakistan and registered with FBR as Income Tax practitioner under section 223 of Income tax Ordinance 2001. &bull The Service Provider should have sufficient financ- 14echnical, and human resources to provide the Tax Consultancy Services across the country, includin d Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistam &bull The method of selection will be Quality Selection Method, vide Method-B of PPRA Consultancy Regulations 2010. &bull The consultancy services will be required o years. However, the duration of services may be extended upon the same terms and conditionsf a e od ofmaximum 1 year &bull The Interested bidder can obtain th Idding document. which includes comprehensive details regarding the required eligibility crit nd terms & conditions, from HEC (mw/ and PPRA ( websiteso person from Finance Division, HEC Secretariate, H-9, Islamabad. ding process, interested bidders will be required to purchase a registered &bull However, to participate in) copy from HEC by depo iti g Rs.1,OOO online or in bank account No. PK38HABB0017427900133401, Habib Bank Limited, S)?! årBranch, H-9, Islamabad. &bull The biddermustsu h Bid Securityoffixed amount, i.e., PKR 100,000/- in the form of Pay Order/Bank Draft in favor of HEC, al with the Bid Document. &bull The bid docum mpliant with the instructions of RFP, must reach the address given below on or before July 23, 2024, by :30 pm and the same shall be uploaded on EPADS (e-Pak Acquisition Disposal system)- The bid will be opened on the same day at 2:00 pm in the presence of palticipating bidders. SHEERAZ RAHIM CHANNA Assistant Director (Finance) 2nd Floor, CTC Building, Higher Education Commission, Sector H-9, Islamabad, Telephone: 051-90401720 O Newspaper ( 07 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 07 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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