Police Department Peshawar Tender Notice for Purchase Of Other Consultancy, washroom & Bathroom Items,Sanitary Items, Kitchen Items , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE ShyberPakhtunVrwa, Police Depanmentimite sealed tenders based cn KhyterPakhbjnVtwa Public Procurementof Gccds, Wc«ks & Services, Rules 2014 frcn eligible biddntlrms having previousexperience aswell as registeredwith lnccrneTax and Sales Tax departmentsforfinencial year 2024.25, Tenders should be addressed to the CommandantSpecial Security IJnit (SSIJ) CPEC, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Lastdate for submission of popcsal is 31-07&bull2024 up to 11:00 hrs. TenderiFinantial proposalswill be cpened 31-07-2024 at 11 hrs. In the presence of Purchase committee and intending bidders in office Deputy Commandant SSU (CPEC) atCentral Police (CPO} Peshawar. The delivery period be as PURCHASE OF OTHER CONTINGENCYIMISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FOR DISTRICT MANSEHRA S. No. I. 2. 3. Name of items Washroom & Bathroom items Sanita items Kitchen items S.No. Name of items 4. Stationa items 5 Wash& int items 6, Electrici items The Tender documents pertaining to the mentioned items can be obtained at a cost of Rs, 5CO/&bull INone&bullRefundablp} from of the Deputy Commandant SSU (CPEC} CPC, the submission cdapplication on the ciginal letter head ofthefrm cn any working day IJing Offce hours TERMS & CONDITIONS: The following terms and conditions shallappdy:&bull The multideor all Items. l. ii. willnotbeaccepted, iii- Eachbidshallccm$seasinglesealedpackagecontainingoneemdopasunder.&bull Financial Proposal (Rate of respective item induding all taxes/charges whäisæver as following form on the letter head pad along 02% earnest mmey}. Desai 'on UnitPrice KR Includi all duties & Taxes Total Cost ii- iii - v, vii. 'dii, c Enæ,lcps should be marked in bold lettersas *FINANCIAL PROPOSAL respecbvetywith rame of item, Financial ptopcsals will be opened on 31.07 at 11:00 hrsztofficeof the Deputy Commandant SSU (CPEC) and would be opened in the greænceofbdders. The bidders shall submit account Ofthe firmybiddericontractor Ofany scheduled bankwith theirfinarcial fnorcdthe Ccmmandant SSU (CPEC} Khyber Pähhtunkhwa. Police Oeßdment Peshawar. In case af non-accepunce of tenders. the eunest morey will be refunded Commandant (COO} Spe±l Security Unit (CPEC} Khyter Pakhtunkhwa, Police Departrnent Pesl&bullgwar and he ccatract agreement ctficeofthe 15-daysofthe acceptance letter. Rates quoted would beansidered only if the same are in Pak ard irdusive Of all taxe±Jties/charges and Of packing Ccmtionaltenderiapplicatjonwill rotbeentprtaingd, A]ltaxeswlbedeductedaswexistinggoærnmentpolicy. The processing entity shall have right and authoir,' toæncel, reject or reduce increase the quantity of any item listed menljongd in the instant tender notice and such decisicn and auction c' the procjring entity shall not be challengeable in any forum(coud the bidders / participant The procuring entity hä'e the right to reject all bids Ct proposals at any time phor to he accept3'tce of gopcsal as per KPPRA Rules 47M The procuring entty shall upco request ccmmunicate the grounds far of bid cr proposal any contractor crccnsultantwho submitted atidorproposal, Deputy Commandant INF(P} Special Security Unit (CPEC) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar ewspaper u, from Aaj dated 07 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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