Miangul Abdul Haq Jahanzeb Kidney Hospital Swat Tender Notice for Printing & Publication, Medical Gas , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** MIANGIJL ABDUL HAQ JAHANZEB KIDNEY HOSPITAL Manglor Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Ph. No.: 0946-730890-91, Fax No. 0946-730889 SAIDU SHARIF RO. BOX. NO; 61. [email protected] INVITATION FOR BIDS (182024-25) The ueditäl Supeititendent war•gul Abdul Haq Jahanzeb Kidney HOSPifil Swat invites seajed bids from ejgible bidders active tu payer list Of FBR under wattonal Competitive Bidding from lirmSüstributers,'S01e agents ant manufactures far supply Of the items as per detajl given benw to meet the requirement MiangLI Abdul Jahanzeb Kidney Hospital Swat, single stage-single envelop bidding procuurc for all thc Items Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procurement of services rules2014, during the financial 2024-25 under: Name of item 1 Printing and publication 2 Medical Gas ill! head of Accounts:- CDRAmount 20,000'. 40.m- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05. 07 03 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bitding dewed can be obtained from working day. Bitsmustbtdcli'jeredthrough register courier atthcaddrcss.g 10;00hoursm andshall intheortscnceaflhe chooseta foreachittm, Anyofferrecei&d notasptrttrms&caaditionofthttthder PPRARultswi1r.atbtentUtair.ed. auotation & the must bgsign Bits must be accompanied 'With bids money in the form of call deposit in favor of Medical Superintendent War.gul Abdul Haq Jahanzeb KitneyHospltalSwat alficourtpriceofthequoteditemsirbestquallwasnonegotiatlonmthepric;eareallrwed. The bids should onthe letterpadoftbeÄdderdlS' No cuttinyoærwnting will accep%d. The bidrates (inclusivgadalltaxes •illtevalidup to 30105•2025. Income:axas per government ru stamgdlfri, OPA, ProfesiconalTax, Servicetaxar.d saletaxetc will be deductedatthetmeof payment subjecttothe nor-availability ofdeductiorqcer$fica Thecompeentauthcrity ightto reject any or bids by asstning reason underclause 47 of Khyber Pakhtunkhvz public procurement rules 2014. In case the tbsupplythe items ir stipulated period, the hospital Shall purchase the same items from the maüet on the risk & cost of the contractor. All the items WI be supplied atMiangul Abdul Haq Jahanzeb Kidney Hospital Swat withwt charges The firms shall be bund to accept all the terms & condition ad the and any further condition introiuced by the gnernmeat during the cortractpefiod in addition totheterms & conditions mentioned in the tender. mus: be registered with KPPPJVFBR, FFM No offer be corsidered if (i} the is rat active payer0i) Offer received after due date and time(iiJthB tender is ambiguausß'}thä tender is unsignedtqofferracen•ed without requisite earnest muney(vi) Otfer receiædfrom black listed orwspendedfirms Medical Superintendent Miangul Abdul Haq Jahanzeb Kidney Hospital O ewspaper from Aaj dated 07 July, 2024
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