Government & Rural Development Department Swat Tender Notice for Repair & Maintenance Of Transformers at constituency pk-3 Repair & Maintenance Of Transformers at constituency Pk-4 Repair & Maintenance Of Transformers at constituency Pk-5 Repair & Maintenance Of Transformers at constituency Pk-6 , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (SENIOR) LOCAL GOVERNMENT & RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. TEHSIL BABOZAI (HO) DIST SWAT. (NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING) below Schemes are hereby invited Of Single procedurefrom regisleredw"h in lhe relevaml category and having registration enlistment remewal farthe cw linancial year as per following schedule. S.No 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Work Name Repair and maintenance of transformers at constituency PK-3 Repair and maintenance of transformers at constituency PK-4 Repair and maintenance Of at constituency PK•5 Repair and maintenance of transformers at constituency PR-6 Repair and maintenance of transformers at constituency PK-7 Repair and maintenance Of transformers at constituency PK•8 Repair and maintenance of transformers at constituency PK-9 Repair and maintenance of transformers at constituency PK-IO Estimated cost in (Milli 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Last date/ Time Earnest Date & time of ot submission of money @2% Electronic In Rupees Tender forms 25-07-2024 pocooc 12:00 pm 25-07-2024 200000 12:00 PM 25-07-2024 12:00 PM 25-07-2024 200000 12:00 pm 25-07-2024 200000 12:00 PM 25-07-2024 200000 12:00 PM 25-07-2024 12:00 PM 25-07-2024 200000 12:00 PM opening of electronic bid 25-07-2024 02:OOPM 25-07-2024 02:00 pm 25-07-2024 0200 PM 25-07-2024 02:OOPM 25-07-2024 25-01-2024 0200 PM 25-07-2024 02:00PM 25-07-2024 Time of completion As Work per Order As Work per Order As Work per Order As Work per Order As work per Order As Work per Order As Work per Order As Work per Order Terms and Conditions The Financial bidding wil be tvough E-bidding System Tender form and BOO can be filled and downloaded by the original contractor available on the official website ot ROD, DG Office (www.lqkp.qov.ßk) Khyber Pakhtunkhwaatter ore dayof Publishing ot NIT. 2. The bidders are required to fill Electronic dids online (upto 12:00 am mid night beforethe opening day land attach Scan copy of did Securdy • shape of original Call Deposit in the name ot Procuring Entity and submit a hard copy of the same printed electronic bid torrnto the concerned AD {Senior) LG Tehsil Babmai (HO) Swat. 3. Sealed bids send through rnaiVCnurier service should reached up-to the specified timt and date as mentioned above. 4, Onlythose Contractorsfflrms will be eligible who'S workshops are registered with PESCO, 5, All those contractor / Iirms are eligible to participate in the tender who are registered with Inspectorate Of Electricity, Energy & Power Deptt; Khyber Pdhtunkhwa 01 Electricity Act under rule 48 & hold class E License as well as Provide One year warranty 01 the particulars as per PESCO SOPS further more, the bidders must have the relevant codes for the above mentioned as per PEC, The relevant codes shall be according to the items mentioned in BOQ while the contractor category shall be as perthe estimated cost Of the schemes, If the code and category does not match, the bid will be consider non• responsive, 6, The contractor or his representative maybe present at the time ct of Electronic bids opening, 7, The cal deposits i.e. Bid Securty for the work/contract must be gyepared after publishing of NIT, before closing time of the Electronic bid apply. 8 Thecontractors quctingtheir bids upto a limit ct below Engineer estimate shall submit bid onlyof Engineer Estimate The contractor quoting their bids more than below up to 20% below on Engineers Estimate shall submit along with their bids Addiional secuMy of Engineer estimate in addition to 2% bid security. It the bid is not accompanied wth the required amotntof Additional securityt'*nthe bidshall beconsideredas non-resgonsweandthe2%bäd untyshall intavorofGovernmentandthe second lowest bidder and soon will be considwed accordingly. 10. In case, belowshaJlsubmitwittvtl bädan EnginewsEstimated costequalto the diffial amount ot submitted bid and Engineer Estimate along Wittvdetailed rate analysis. In case ot more than 20% below bids. it the hid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and," or requi edarncuntof additional security, then the bid shan be considwed as Non- responsive. All the securities submitted along with such nan-responsive hid shall he forfeited in favor of Government and the second lowest bidder and so an will be considered accordingly as per KORA Notification NO. 605B-i1 Peshawar. the May 10.2022. II. , In detailed rate analysis suhmdted bid (11 the procuring 001 convincing, Head the procuring entity may declare such bid without any Iorleiture.ofbid securities and recctd reason thereof, Jhe procuring entity may (ltferthe contract the lowest bidder after due diligence in ljhE (Ilfinancial difference such bids may advertise procuring opgonunity afresh, (KKPRA Notification NO. 6058.71 Peshawar, the May 10, 2022), 13. Any Electronic bidder who provide false, or materially inaccurate or incomplete ordo nct send intctmation in hard form will be disqualified as per KPPRA Act Secticn 2g(2) read li'lthlCPRA Rule (43). Furthermore the Procuring Entity,Executing Agency recommend and sent cases for DebarrinwBlacklisting and Will take aclion in light of ProceduWmechanism as per KFPRA Act section29(2) read with KPPRA Rule (44) and as perthe instroctioiis issued bythe Provincial Government ie0ß LG & time to time. Electronic bids will remain valiggga days trom the closing date ot bids (as decided by the gacuring entity/executing agency in li$lt ot 14. standard bidding documents) 15. Thelirms/cortractors whoWä toparticipate intendering process General LG&RO Peshawarwithintwodays before closing tme of electronic apply toruploading their names on the official website i.e. ( 16. All Bidders are requiredtoie registered with Pakhtunkhwa Revenue AuthoMy, established under the Khyber Pakhtunowa Finance Act,20131Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act No. MI of 2013 for works, consulting and non consulting Service as listed in Scheduled-II of the Act ibid. li. In case the bid become tie thc shall he decided through afreetoss in of bidders befinal 1B. The PEC and KFRA taxpayer} must he cu Year. 19. The time limit ot each work shall be as per work arder issued to successful bidder and the contractor will have to start work within 15 days lime perind after the 01 work tailing which lhe work cancelled and security any) will he forfeåed. 20. All applicable will be recovetableas per directives government in vogue, 21. Jhe procuring entity may reject any or all bids affer ccmmunicatingthe reasons for rejection at anytime gtiorto the award (llcontract, 22. Any addition made in terms & conditions in the NIT adverlised in the newspaperwill be implemented as per KPPRA Rules, 23. All material testing and all of tests be performed by contractor cn the demand of procuring entity. 24. Bidders may Obtain bidding documents and further intcmation from the offceof Assistant Director (Senior) LG&ROD Tehsil Babozai (HO) Swat on anywcrwngdaybeforeclcsingdate. 25. The sameterms and conditions should be consideæd farthe advertisement. 26. The successful bidder / Contractor shall be responsible to previews satisfactc%' certificates of the work done from the concerned MPAs & Technical committee constitutedforthe purpcse befoæ the submission of bill forthe payment. c Advertised by Assistant Engineer (Senior) LG&RDD Tehsil Babozai (HQ) Swat Newspaper ( U/ Jul, ZUZ INF(P) i 5g4/2024 Recommended by Assistant Director (Senior) LG&RDD Tehsil Babozai (HQ) Swat from Aaj dated 07 July, 2024
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