Sahiwal Medical College & Allied Hospital Sahiwal Tender Notice for Purchase Of General Stores,Consumable,Purchase Of Stationery Items,Purchase Of Printing Items, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SAHIWAL MEDICAL COLLEGE ANO ALLIED HOSPITALS. SAHIWAL RE-TENDER NOTICE Prnc.,g Sanwa Ueocal Ccaeqe Sa.tvw&bull Instituoccs inves suet 1'ms est.msned geoennats In terns ot tectrjcal. Financi* and Managenal tcc 202405 tre c' tCåOWi00 tetre etc. mertjor*d i' Date & t"ne Ct opening PlcposÜ): 11330 AM 3 4 c' iterns vrartee purchase Ot GQ.OI Store (C.o«surnath Durülte a,rz Electric* Zens). Purchase at n,rns Pure:hiSt or terns Purchase Ot Beddng Cbtt'irq Hems arg m.lRCHASE OF TCNUGRS PRINTERS. Furmjre & CONDITIONERS ant SAWOWLERBEOS cost 27S56,230 10.636. 9SOl,490 IE.040.OOO 190.030 320.800 548.583 Last Oate Purchase 24-07-2024 During 1- *tee.sted bidders 60turtYtS tens dda&d specifCätijn tran ie Purchase Section of Sahiwal Meecal 6 B35,øtaJ tt&bullr urtten on letter of concerneø anno copy oi CNIC arg payrrer ot Rs. as ree Mttce ttours. 2- TM dOCM0.B"tS ae ICt Sü itrrwateti' Mtet dite Ct to tiff 3. Sin* Stage Two Em.eces emenpes as ot tre bids round tearMd un:omed to tespectn&bulle bidets. 4. ealCd bidS are be by legreseatfje c' p:c-oosed dates ana to be dropped ture. the late erns arg Wsena ee exetaned. teraets (tecrncar offers) open by pre&mdashor or Chüma.n Purchase Cotm&bullüttee Superinterdert Satywatl, S. The SecutW) snace Oecost issued raw $ätiw* 'Ath tre doct,mens. recrnsd ard mg'irt& 6. Procurer*tt snu ee gover*d under me Putta,b Ptocurerrert Rues 2014 Tender NObCe may bC seen PPRA n&bullebSite, V'. 7. The gocvng may bd,S it to acceptance at a uø:n carawnicate to tre ror its reecton ot prcoosats. iS rot requited justly t.fOS.e VONS. e. TB"dBS teces&bullZd atter as m.Ü'ti0t*d not 'tgta.ind 9. (her yms ve in PROF. OR. M. IMRAN HASAN KHAN PRINCIPAL/ CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Sahiwal Medical College and Attached Sahiwal Ph O ewspaper ( Jul, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SAHIWAL MEDICAL COLLEGE ANO ALLIED HOSPITALS. SAHIWAL RE-TENDER NOTICE Prnc.,g Sanwa Ueocal Ccaeqe Sa.tvw&bull Instituoccs inves suet 1'ms est.msned geoennats In terns ot tectrjcal. Financi* and Managenal tcc 202405 tre c' tCåOWi00 tetre etc. mertjor*d i' Date & t"ne Ct opening PlcposÜ): 11330 AM 3 4 c' iterns vrartee purchase Ot GQ.OI Store (C.o«surnath Durülte a,rz Electric* Zens). Purchase at n,rns Pure:hiSt or terns Purchase Ot Beddng Cbtt'irq Hems arg m.lRCHASE OF TCNUGRS PRINTERS. Furmjre & CONDITIONERS ant SAWOWLERBEOS cost 27S56,230 10.636. 9SOl,490 IE.040.OOO 190.030 320.800 548.583 Last Oate Purchase 24-07-2024 During 1- *tee.sted bidders 60turtYtS tens dda&d specifCätijn tran ie Purchase Section of Sahiwal Meecal 6 B35,øtaJ tt&bullr urtten on letter of concerneø anno copy oi CNIC arg payrrer ot Rs. as ree Mttce ttours. 2- TM dOCM0.B"tS ae ICt Sü itrrwateti' Mtet dite Ct to tiff 3. Sin* Stage Two Em.eces emenpes as ot tre bids round tearMd un:omed to tespectn&bulle bidets. 4. ealCd bidS are be by legreseatfje c' p:c-oosed dates ana to be dropped ture. the late erns arg Wsena ee exetaned. teraets (tecrncar offers) open by pre&mdashor or Chüma.n Purchase Cotm&bullüttee Superinterdert Satywatl, S. The SecutW) snace Oecost issued raw $ätiw* 'Ath tre doct,mens. recrnsd ard mg'irt& 6. Procurer*tt snu ee gover*d under me Putta,b Ptocurerrert Rues 2014 Tender NObCe may bC seen PPRA n&bullebSite, V'. 7. The gocvng may bd,S it to acceptance at a uø:n carawnicate to tre ror its reecton ot prcoosats. iS rot requited justly t.fOS.e VONS. e. TB"dBS teces&bullZd atter as m.Ü'ti0t*d not 'tgta.ind 9. (her yms ve in PROF. OR. M. IMRAN HASAN KHAN PRINCIPAL/ CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Sahiwal Medical College and Attached Sahiwal Ph O ewspaper ( Jul, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SAHIWAL MEDICAL COLLEGE ANO ALLIED HOSPITALS. SAHIWAL RE-TENDER NOTICE Prnc.,g Sanwa Ueocal Ccaeqe Sa.tvw&bull Instituoccs inves suet 1'ms est.msned geoennats In terns ot tectrjcal. Financi* and Managenal tcc 202405 tre c' tCåOWi00 tetre etc. mertjor*d i' Date & t"ne Ct opening PlcposÜ): 11330 AM 3 4 c' iterns vrartee purchase Ot GQ.OI Store (C.o«surnath Durülte a,rz Electric* Zens). Purchase at n,rns Pure:hiSt or terns Purchase Ot Beddng Cbtt'irq Hems arg m.lRCHASE OF TCNUGRS PRINTERS. Furmjre & CONDITIONERS ant SAWOWLERBEOS cost 27S56,230 10.636. 9SOl,490 IE.040.OOO 190.030 320.800 548.583 Last Oate Purchase 24-07-2024 During 1- *tee.sted bidders 60turtYtS tens dda&d specifCätijn tran ie Purchase Section of Sahiwal Meecal 6 B35,øtaJ tt&bullr urtten on letter of concerneø anno copy oi CNIC arg payrrer ot Rs. as ree Mttce ttours. 2- TM dOCM0.B"tS ae ICt Sü itrrwateti' Mtet dite Ct to tiff 3. Sin* Stage Two Em.eces emenpes as ot tre bids round tearMd un:omed to tespectn&bulle bidets. 4. ealCd bidS are be by legreseatfje c' p:c-oosed dates ana to be dropped ture. the late erns arg Wsena ee exetaned. teraets (tecrncar offers) open by pre&mdashor or Chüma.n Purchase Cotm&bullüttee Superinterdert Satywatl, S. The SecutW) snace Oecost issued raw $ätiw* 'Ath tre doct,mens. recrnsd ard mg'irt& 6. Procurer*tt snu ee gover*d under me Putta,b Ptocurerrert Rues 2014 Tender NObCe may bC seen PPRA n&bullebSite, V'. 7. The gocvng may bd,S it to acceptance at a uø:n carawnicate to tre ror its reecton ot prcoosats. iS rot requited justly t.fOS.e VONS. e. TB"dBS teces&bullZd atter as m.Ü'ti0t*d not 'tgta.ind 9. (her yms ve in PROF. OR. M. IMRAN HASAN KHAN PRINCIPAL/ CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Sahiwal Medical College and Attached Sahiwal Ph O ewspaper ( Jul, from Dunya dated 07 July, 2024
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