Public Sector Organization Islamabad Auction Notice for Authorized Distributers,Medical Equipment, Machinery , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No: 0512024 A Pubb; Sector Hosonal tenoers from regtstereawnn Income tax i sae tax department for the fOlbwing meticalequøments/ machinery on •as iS where iS basiS'. Oetäil iSäS under: S Tendet Oestriptien Sngle Fetal Womtor;CIG Machine. vacuum Extractor. Ultraso•und Machine. Oent& l.lrit. OPG Dental Electrcote Analyzer. Hematology Cnemi5try HotAif Certntume Mixer. CR C.xm tube. Gas Cardiac Gastro-scope, Automatic Tourn•quet, n' r, Pneumatic Multipurpose Olill, OT L#ht, Mir-or OT Tülel Warrner, Ifi'tL@on Pump, Cardiac woritar ard Terms & Conditions; Tender L*S'I oate & Time 8idS Opening Fee 01 BidSubfitiSSjon Oateflime tl:00Hous A set Cd tender d:xuS a;lOtb3 terrrtS and condhiens•can be Obtail*d unøetSi•gn.cø OR from PPRA Www.ppca.orqßl.An amount of 2. 3. 4. 5. 7, 9. 10. before time. Sad equipments tucrnry can Si premises till auction day. Copy CNIC, tax ptotilesjregi alor8 with proposal alCtwwith proposal to ut•xlersjgned Ct outing ofbcg hours 8:30 am to 200 pm at below (SuS tax etc)- ATL Status contact details may te "Ibi"itted The btdøermcstdePOSit2S% able;awutætolthetowatteted arncQjr•t in the snapeorcemanddraflpayorderin favour Of Nga$L80,.PAEC Genera! hgspittl. 11/4,'$!*0)@@:4 as along dids notoeaccemed. Tl'e successfül have to deposit thc balance amount ihftr,in 05 days w.e.f af Competent LJthccit•g failing earnest money shall be forfeited. Earnest money muld be refunded to unsuccess1Ld bidder(s) sutwctto auctuwabgrc•.a.101 CompaentAütnonty. TIE successful bidde{s} shall have to pay all taxes as applicable in addition to bklamount Preference wju "ento tne tidders quote tnewtwelat OR an iteme The successll,j bidder (S) will have to lilt all ;n1CtiCt'L'd items after full payment within 05 days w.e.f auctjan OT Convetent Authority. Noaensicn in Üne snallbe allowed. Failing wtlich earnesVsecuriW money shall beforfeited The Competent Auth•gtity # t to one ot all tet&ts. for anyqueries- peasefeel free to cortact theuncersjgned. Admin Officer (Stores) PAEC General Hospital. Near Police Lines, H-11/4, Islamabad Ph: 051-9257171, Ext: 216 O Newspaper ( 07 Ju , from Dunya dated 07 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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