Swabi Irrigation Division Swabi Tender Notice for Supply & Installation Systems Of Solar Pumping Machinery, Along With Accessories, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SWABI IRRIGATION DIVISION-II, Swabi Phone #. 0938-920031 E-mail:[email protected] NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING (Single Stage Single Envelope Procedure) Swabi Irrigation Division-II, Swabi, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites Electronic Bids from eligible Firms/didders in accordance with KPPRA procurement Rules 2014 on single stage single envelope Procedure for the following works:- Name ot works ADP Code#210451-District Development Plan for Mardan Division PK-43 Sub work Supplying/lnstallation System ot Solar 1 pumping machinery alongwith all accessories for Tube Well at PK-43 Solarization TERMS/CONDITIONS:- Tender Form Bid security ecost (M) Fee of E/Cost 13.45 0269 E/Cost 0.004035 PEC category & code of ecialization EE-II (Solar Installation) I) Bid solicitation documents contains requirements for eligible bidders and other important Terms & Conditions including instructions to Bidders can be downloaded from Irrigation website http://www.irriqation.qkp.plq/as well as KPPRA website otherwise bids submitted without these documents (duly filled) will be considered non-responsive. 2) Venue ofBid opening is the Office of Executive Engineer. Swabi Irrigation Division-II. Swabi. 3) The bidders shall submit the sealed bid including 2% Bid Security ofthe Estimated Cost + Tender Form Fee ([email protected]%) of Estimated cost in the shape of separate Call Deposit (In original) in the name of Executive Engineer, Swabi Irrigation Division-II, Swabi, which should be attached to the Bidding documents, otherwise it will be considered as Non-Responsive. 4) Electronic Bidding shall be done on "Above/Below System" on BOQ/Engineer estimate. based on the MRS/NSI where applicable. Only two digits after the decimal point shall be considered for evaluation purpose. 5) The Employerhasthe authority to reject bid orallthebidsassigningcogentreasons, 6) The KPPRA. Notification No.SRO dated 10/05/2022 & Notification No-SRO (15) vol; I -25/2022-23/630403, dated 22/08/2022, will be applicable. The Notification can be downloaded from the KP website as well the Notification No. & date has been made part of Standard Bidding Docu 7) As per KPPRA Notification, the irms who's bid is below 20% are bound to attach Additional original CDRS. The CDRS?hpijld be replaced by Bank Guarantee after Tender approval. 8) Bid security of the 1st, 2nd & 3rd lowest Electronic Bidders forthe specific work will be retained by the Department for one week aftef$suance of letter of Acceptance to the successful bidders. 9) In case two or more Bidders Off@red the same Rate, successful Bidders will be decided through DRAW. 10) All the Bidders/Firmsm eRegisteredwith the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority. 11) All the prevailing KP Acts/Rules updated instruction/Notifications and other Government Notifications issue time to time will be applicable. 12) The Bidders/Firosnust be Registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in the relevant Category and field of specialization forthe works he has applied for. 13) The Registration/License of the Bidders/Firms must be Renewed from the Provincial Works Department forthe year 2024-25 14) Mandatory conditions as persolicitations bidding documents (SBDs) will be adhered. 15) Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 18/07/2024 atl 1.00 AM in the Office of Executive Engineer, Swabi Irrigation Division-II, Swabi. 16) The last date for bid submission is 22/07/2024 at 12.00 Noon, which will be opened on the same date & time in the presence of Contractors and their Representatives who wishes to attend. 17) In case of holiday or other un-avoidable circumstances, the next date for opening shall be 23/07/2024 at 12.00 Noon with same Terms & Conditions, however the Contractor shall fill their Rates on 22/07/2024. Executive Engineer O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) INF(P) 1611/24 Swabi Irrigation Division-II, Swabi from Express dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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