Sardar Fateh Muhammad Khan Buzdar Institute Of Cardiology Dera Ghazi Khan Tender Notice for Tender,Annual Contracts Of Security Services, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SFMKB INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY DERA GHAZI KHAN PI&bullI.NO, 064-9330237 E&mdashMail: &mdash TENDER NOTICE I SFMKB Institute of Cardiology. Dera Ghazi Khan invites Tenders for following for thc financial year 2024-25. Registered firms are only allowed to participate. Tenders can be purchased till before a time & day of submission of tender. sr. No 1. Tender Description Tender for "Annual Contract or Security Servic Bid Security 2% of estimated cost Date & Time of Tender Submission 20.07.2024 (10:30AM) Datc & Time of Tender Opening 20.07.2024 (1 1 :OOAM) Interested Bidders having established credentials in terms of technicali managerial and financial capabilities may obtai idding documents from the office of the undersigned With detail Of items & specificati n submission Of a written request on firm's letter head and payment of Tender fee of the Accounts Section of Hospital. Tender Notice, Bidding Docume9!$.&bull Lists of requirements can also be viewed / download at PPRA Website Single stage envelopes mg procedure as per Rule 38 (2)(a) of PP Rules 2014 (amended) should be applied. The en pes shodld be marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" and eeTECHNICAL PROPOSAL' bold and eligible letters. be attached "Financial proposal" conv of CDR should be attached with "Technical pronosar&bull (Bic) Sccurity CDR 9bguId not be defaced). Bid Security should be in the shape of CDR / Bank Guarantee frotty-any scheduled bank in Pakistan. Sealed bid are required to be submitted in person by thev&bullaUthorized representative Of the interested bidder till close time for putting in Tender Box wha will be placed in the office of the undersigned on the above said date. Technical Offers vyi be opened on the same day at scheduled time in the presence of the interested bidders wh gn,pose to attend- All bi hould be submitted in Tape Binding. All documents should contain proper page marki ttached in sequence as indicated for evaluation in thc Bidding Documents and signing, s &bullng of firm's authorized person on each page of bidding documents in mandatory. Bidding document will be available from the office of the undersigned immediately after publication of this advertisement. In case thc date of opening is declared as a public holiday by the government or non- working day due to any reason. the next official working day shall be deemed to be the date of submission and opening of tenders accordingly, in that case the time and venue shall remain the same. MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT SFMKB INsTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY DERA GHAZI KHAN O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) IPL-6408 from Express dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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