Public Health Engineering Division Quetta Tender Notice for Supply & nstallation Of Solar system for wss killi umer , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE sealed gallop tender on form 'B'•I & B-ll as per schedule 'A' are invited from the approved Government Contractor/Firm of Public Health Engineering Department Balochistan registered with BPPRAwho are enlisted I renewal their name for the cu financial year 2024-25 for the following works EIMoney 2% in shape of CDR and Time limit 30-06-2025 for each work. S.NO Name ofWork 1 "WSSALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI MIR SULTAN MOHAMMAD ESSACHAH DAKAT DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDP NO.5339 Drilling and DevelopmentofBore upto 800 feet Depth l) TSE-242507481973 (CIVIL WORK) TSE-242507483863 2 "WSSALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI BILAL TAREEZ KISANKORI NUSHKI, (PSDP NO.5516) l) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 500 feet Depth TSE-242507483843 (CIVIL WORK) TSE-242507483903 1B CONSTRUCTIONOFWATERSUPPLYSCHEME SHADEZAIAHMEDWALL DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDPNO.5516) (CIVIL WORK)TSE-242507483923 3 ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI BABU MA HALLAH STATION ATDISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDPNO.5533) Drilling and DevelopmentofBore up to 500 feet Depth TSE-242507483943 (CIVILWORK) TSE-242507483973 4 WSSALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI MENGEL AT DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDP NO.5545) I) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 600 feet Depth TSE-242507483993 l) (CIVIL WORK) TSE-242507484033 5 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI SALEH MUHAMMADANDFATAH MUHAMMADMALL ATDISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDPNO.5581) l) Drilling and DevelopmentofBore up to 500 feet Depth TSE-242507484053 ii) (CIVILWORK) TSE-242507484083 6 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI HASHIM KUCHAKI AT DISTRICT NUSHKI(PSDP NO.5584) I) Drilling and DevelopmentofBore up to 450 feet Depth TSE-242507484113 (CIVIL WORK) TSE-242507484143 WSS KILLI MUHAMMAD RAMZAN KUCHAKI. (PSDPNO.5584) I) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 450 feet Depth TSE-242507484173 7 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI ZARAIN JUNGLEAT DISTRICT NUSHK (PSDP NO.5625) I) Drilling and DevelopmentofBore up to 400 feet Depth TSE-242507484213 (CIVIL WORK) TSE-242507484233 8 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI PEER JAN GARRIAT DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDP NO.5746) I) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 800 feet Depth TSE-242507484273 (CIVILWORK) TSE-242507484323 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI QAZI ABAD 9 AT MULLA HAJI NOORAHMED BADINIAT DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDP NO.5748) I) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 700 feet Depth TSE-242507484373 10 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLIABDUL RASHEED DISTRICT NUSHKI(PSDP NO.5792) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 450 feet Depth l) TSE-242507484413 CIVIL WORK) TSE-242507484443 Q 1 Job I Job I Job 1 Job I Job I Job I Job I Job I Job I Job I Job I Job 2 Job I Job I Job I Job I Job 1 Job I Job 1 Job 3 Job I Job 1 Job I Job l) l) 11 l) I) 12 l) 13 l) l) 14 l) 15 I) 16 l) 17 I) WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI HAFIZ AKHTAR DISTRICT NUSHKI(PSDP NO.5792) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 450 feet Depth TSE-242507484503 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI MOULA BAKHSH DISTRICT NUSHKI(PSDP NO.5792) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 450 feet Depth TSE-242507484533 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI NOKJOW AT DISTRICT NUSHKI NO.5794) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 400 feet Depth (CIVILWORK) TSE-242507484603 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI MUHAMMAD UMERAT DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDP NO.5794) Drilling and DevelopmentofBore up to 450 feet Depth 3 Job TSE-242507484643 WSSALONGWITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI 1 Job DISTRICT NUSHKl(PSDPNO.5794) TSE-242507484693 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI SAKHI DAROO KHAN, UMERSHAHAT DISTRICTNUSHKI. PSDP 5863 Drilling and Development of Bore up to 800 feet Depth TSE-242507484803 TSE-242507484833 WSSALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI MOHALA GHULAM HAIDAR DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDPNO.5868) Drilling and Development of Bore up t0450 feet Depth TSE. 242507484863 CIVIL WORK) TSE.242507484903 WSS KILLI QADIR BAKHSH KISANKORI MOHALA ALIAHMED .(PSDP NO.5868) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 450 feet Depth TSE-242507484963 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI BADINIAT DISTRICT NUSHK (PSDP NO.5976) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 800 feet Depth TSE-242507484983 (CIVIL WORK) TSE.242507485033 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI BABO SATTARSTATION AT DISTRICT NUSHKI (PSDP NO.5977) Drilling and Development of Bore up to 700 feet Depth TSE-242507485293 WSS ALONG WITH SOLAR SYSTEM KILLI KADDEs QAZIABAD MUHLLAALLAH BUX SUMALAN@ DISTRICTNUSHKl(PSDPNO.5978) Drilling and DevelopmentofBore up to 70 feé$fepth TSE-242507485333 CONSTRUCTIONOFOHSR LIHAJIM. NOOR KHAN DISTRICT PSDP Construction of OHSR Tank. TSE-242507485383 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 2 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 700 ft 1 Job I Job EICost 4934652/- 4261421. 36784801. 414144/— 414144/- 36784801. 439718/- 43399201. 2277601- 36784801. 4397181. 26000001. 3598401- 26000001. 30160001. 616720/- 49348001. 4253601. 49077601. 5397601. 26000001. 26000001- 2883920/- 439920/- 28839201. 4934800/- 9460001. 32916001. 3681601. 3291600/- 57189601- 793520/- 49077601. 50242401. 100000001. Challan Fee 15001. 6501. 15001. 6501. 6501. 1500/- 6501. 15001. 6501. 15001. 6501. 15001. 6501. 15001. 15001. 6501. 15001. 6501. 15001. 15001. 6501. 15001. 15001. 15001. 6501. 6501. 15001. 6501. 15001. 6501. 15001. 15001. 6501. 15001. 15001. 15001. The office of the Executive E PHE District Nushki invites technical proposal of Contractors/firms along with sealed financial R osals(Single Stage-One Envelope ) for above mentioned works .AII interested bidders are re d to submit documents as per following briefs in support of their technical/Financialpro a. The procurement shall be out in accordance with Balochistan Public Procurement Regul ules 2014.and Pakistan Engineering Council By-Laws BASIC ELIGIBILITY: The Contractor mu ave valid registration i.e. 2024-25 with Pakistan Engineering Council in required Category in relevan discipline/specially code and fresh registration with tax authorities i.e (NTNsales tax Department and BRA) as well as with BPPRA where applicable. The bidder must complete similar nature assignment mention in the biding documents. Turn over of last 3 years, Showing financial capacity of the firm. The Contractor must have Enlisted/ Registered their named in office ofthe Executive Engineer E&M Division PHED Quetta in Drilling Work Category for drilling work in cu financial year 2024-25 Completion certificate of same nature at least last 3 year work order work of same geographic. The Contractor must not be black listed/ not issued any notice regarding delay of development works. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: ( Single Stage -One Envelop ) bidding Procedure will adopted. BIDDING I TENDER DOCUMENTS: Issuance: The bidders can obtain the bidding document from the address mention above on production ofgreen Challan form for an amount of 650/-, 1500 1- and 3500/- (Non-refundable) for each work shown against each deposited in the head of account C-02725-2 Civil works through Gove Treasury/National Bank of Pakistan Nushki or can be downloaded from the website of BPPRA ( during working hour, from the date of publication of this invitation in newspapers till one day prior to the last date of submission. The contractors/Firms who obtain bidding documents by downloading them from BPPRA website will also be required to procedure deposited green Challan from of above mentioned Fee. The bids must accompanied bid security "Technical Bid" for each work in the form of call deposit are bank guarantee of amount specified above in the office name of the under signed from a scheduled bank. No any Bank Drafts & Banker Check will be acceptable Deadline of submission: Technical and financial proposals from intending contractors/firms sealed in one separate envelope clearly marked with Work title & type of proposal must be delivered by hand or through registered mail to the address mentioned below on or before 25 July 2024. at 11:00 AM Opening: The envelope containing "Technical Bids" will be opened on the same day 25July 2024. At 12:00P.Mbeforeprocurementcommittee in the presence ofbidders ortheirauthorizedrepresentatives who choose to attend with authority letter, Bids Validity: Ninety (90) days Place: The place ofissuance, submission, inquiries and opening will be - The office of the Executive Engineer PHE District Nushki . CONDITIONS All the terms and conditions can be seen/obtain in the Office of the undersigned in any office hours PRQ No.141/05-07-2024 c ews paper u, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING, DIVISION NUSHKI. dpr.gob @dgpr.balochistan from Express dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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