Public Health Engineering Division Naseerabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Naseerabad Invites Sealed percentage rats bested on Composite Schedule of rats ,2023Government of Balochistan And Non Schedule items On Prevailing Market rats from Interested Contractors for the works mentioned below Bid Securi 2% in Sha CDR Time limit for Com letion 30-06-2025 for each work S.# NameofWork EICost M 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7. UNDER PSDP NO-2169FOR THE YEAR2024-25 Construction ofWSS in Rang Pur Buledi Tehsil GhafroorabadTamboo Supply No 242507482693 3,677,561 UNDER PSDP NO.2401 FOR THE YEAR2024-25 Construction ofWSS Ola Chattar MirAbdul Majid Abro Tehsil Chattar No 242507481683 UNDER PSDP NO-24023 FOR THE YEAR2024-25 Consti of Ola ChattarMirMuhammad Faheem Abro Supply&lnst10fS01arSystem UNDER PSDP FOR THE YEAR 2024-25 Const: ofWSS Filtration Plants And Villages Dost Muhammad/ Haji Ghaffar/ Muhammad Jaffar/Allah Rakhia Filter Plant Muhammad SII of Solar System(TS No 242507482903 Filter Plant Haji of Solar No 242507483213 Filter Plant Haji Ghaffar SII of Solar System(Ts No 242507483269 Filter Plant Haji Ghaffar SII of Solar No 242507483323 UNDERPSDPNO.2178FORTHEYEAR2024-25 Const:ofWSS Haji Abdul Hameed Umrani Teshil Tamboo Sli of Solar System No 242507482853 UNDER PSDP NO.2310 FOR THE YEAR 2024-25 Const: ofWSS Peer Khaled Sultan Teshil Chattar S/l ofSolarSystem(TSNo 242507485813 UNDER PSDP FOR THE YEAR 2024-25 Const: ofWSS Peer Khaled Sultan Teshil Chattar S/10fS01arSystem SN024250748544 1425900 1425900 1425900 1425900 895,278 6330000 6330000 TIFee 1500 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 2000 2000 Procurement shall be made under BPPRA ELIGIBILITY OF BIDDERS The Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Naseerabad invites sialed Bids /Tenders form Eligible Contractors I Farms l, manufacturers IAuthorities Licensed By The Pakistan Engineering Council in the Relevant Category C6 & having Valdes NTN Sales Tax/BRA/ Specialization in EE 04/ CE-06CE-05-CE• 04& above For The Mentioned Schemes Civil Works. ermore , the Solar SystemAnd Ultra Filtration Plants of Mentioned Schemes are in Invites Seal Hiving Three Last Year work Orders which hol Documents and its verification Letter *Having yal ds / Tenders from the reputable Dealer Distributor irty Million ) Goods Declaration sleep, shipment TN, Seles Tax, BRA and PEC License till june 2025 with Specialization code for the whole or single item work which will be compiled in stipulated time . if any bidduénot fulfilled the requirements are not eligible, the committee have authority to reject bidder . The O@tads are Given below 13. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : minimum three assignments of value not lessfhin Estimated Cast and Turn over of value no less Estimated Cost 4.METHOD OF PROCUREMENt;5.BlD SECURITY: the bid must a company bid security in the form of call deposit of amount specifie+ove in the name of the under signed from a scheduled banlq 6.TENDER DOCUMENTS: The biddingåocuments can be obtained from the office ofthe under signed upon payment of biding Documents fe ( Non refundable) (Amount Mentioned Above Through GreenChallanC: 02 25-02PHEDThe venue Recei t De itedon in National BankOf akistan Dera Murad Jamali Branch The NIT a d bidding documents can also be download from ISSUANCE OF TENDER FORMS :.From / Documents will be Issued to the bidders /Contractors on Publication of Notice in Newspapers on presentation of requisite Documents. LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION: The tenders should be submitted on -22/07/2024 till at 01 the office of under Signed.9.TENDER OPENING :AII tenders will be opened on Same day at the office of undersigned at 02:00 PM (Iin Case Public Holi DayAnnounced byethe Government( Due to any reason) the tenderwill be opened the next working day at the same time and venue10i TENDER COMMITTEE Reserves the right to change the Quantities or cancel, reject any or all offers without assigning any reason IIADDRESS: Public Health Engineering, Division NASEERABAD at Dera Murad Jamali Phone No: I Fax No: 0838711353 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION NASEERABAD PRQ No. If 6/05-07-2024 "'M" c eWS paper u, , from Express dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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