Public Health Engineering Division Mardan Tender Notice for Am&r Pumping Machinery Transformer & Voltage , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION MARDAN Address: Near Press Club Mardan Shami Road District Mardan Ph# 9230149, Fax# 9230149 Elmail:[email protected] NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING Public Health Engineering Division Mardan invites electronic Bids from eligible firms contractors In accordance with KPPRA procurement rules 2014 on single stage two envelop procedure for the following works Name of Work Earnest Money Last Date & Estimated & Stamp Duty Submission Cost & Bidding of Bid Million Entry A AM&R PUMPING MACHINERY WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2024-25 Date of Opening of Technical Bid 2307 9024 Date of Opening of financial Bid will be t AM&R Pump:ng Machinery Transfomer & Voltage Regular of Completed Water 7500 Supply Schemes in PHE Sub Division Mardan (Except Tehsil Katlang) 2 AM8R Pumping Machinery Transformer & Voltage Regular of 6.000 Completed Water Supply Schames in Tehisl Katlang 3 AM&R Pumpring Machinery/Transformer & Vcdtage Regular of Completed Water 10,000 Supply Schemes in PHE Sub Division Takht Bhai B AM&R CIVIL WORKFOR THE YEAR 2024-25 4 AMAR Civil Work of Completed Water Supply Schemes in PHE Sub Düisian 5800 Mardan Tehsil Katla 5 AM&R Civil Work of Completed Water Supply Schemes in Tehsal Katlang 5,000 6 AM&R Civil Work of Completed Water Supply Schemes in PHE Sub Dmsion Takht Bhai 1678501. 2250/- 1387501. i8001L 218750/- 15001. 168750/- 22501. 23012024 At 12:00 Noon 2307 9024 At 1200 Noon 23.079024 At 12:00 Noon 24072024 At 12:00 Noon 24.079024 At 12:00 Noon 24079024 At 12:00 Noon communicated At 12:30 in due course of time 23079024 communicated At 12A0 in due course of time will be 2307 2024 communicated At 1230 in due course of time will be 2407-2024 communicated At 12:30 in due course of time will be 2407-2024 communicated At 12130 in due course of time 2407-2024 communicated At 1200 in due course of time 1. Bidding documents including Instructionto idders and other terms & conditions can be obtained from the office of under signed one day priorto the opening gate 2. All bidders are requiredtotheregistered&ActiveTax Payer with KPRA, 3, Additional Securityshouldbedpp0$édåsperKPPRARegulation No. Vol:1-24/2021-22dated 10.05.2022, 4. The non-refundable fee @0.03% in the shape of separate CDR or the tender cost should also be submitted along with the earnest money. In case ofnon.submission the bid will be considered as Nan-Responsive„ 5, Technical & Financial shouldbewrittencleartyontheenvelop. 6- Bidders shall have Electrical Code in PEC registration such as CE-09, and also EE-04. EE-05, EE-iI requiredforElectricäl as per criteria. 7. Contractormusthæ valid enlistmentdulyissued byProvinciaI EnlistmentCommittee KhyberPakhtunkhwa. 8- As per directlon$o Superintending Engineer PHE Circle Mardan. only AM&R contractors having workshop. warehouse at local level and adequate financial. human and logistic resources should be allowed to participate in AMAR bidding forworks No. I. 2 & 3, 9. The contractors shall submit and affidavit on Stamp Paper duly attested by Oath Commissioner for Declaration of Ownership ofthe workshop and other declaration required under KPPRA rules. 10, Listofskilled labors&staffwith affidavit should beseparatelyprovlded II, Allotherrelevantdocuments&performancecertificatemustbeincluded in technical bidforevaluation process, 12 Contractormust haveatIeast03 years satisfactorypastexperience ofthe relevantworksasmentioned, 13. ForElectricalworksvalid ElectricE-Licensefotthecuyearshould beattached 14. The bidderwillprovideanaffldavitin thetechnicalproposalthatnoWaterSupplyScheme should stand un-operationalfor more than 24 hours. Forwhich he should arrange sufficient stand by Pumping Machineries Iother accessories/ arrangements. 15, Theapplication forvisit ofworkshops will be submittedtothe office oftheundersignedthree (03} days before closing date ofte nder submission, INF 1572/24 c ews paper Executive En ineer u, from Express dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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