Islamabad Electric Supply Company Islamabad Tender Notice for Firms, Manufacturers,Material Management, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ISLAMABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY (IESCO) IESCO TENDER NOTICE IESCO seeks to invite sealed tenders from the firms / manufacturers who are pre-qualified / registered with the Chief Engineer (Purchase & Disposal) / Standard & Specification, NTDC Lahore or with WAPDA/PPMC/any DISCO for the year 2024-25 for supply of following material on free delivery basis to IESCO Regional Stores Rawalpindi/ Islamabad / Raiiar & Wah: Tender No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 Item Description 15 KV XLPE Power Cable 240MM2 (500MCM) S/Core 15 KV XLPE Power Cable 4/0 AWG 3/Core LT SID Cable 120mm- (37/.083) 4-Core II KV Load Break Switches 4- Wav (RMU) Lot-I Lot-II Lot-III Lot-I Lot-II Lot-I Lot-II Lot-I Lot-II 100 KVA Pad Mounted Transformers LT SID Cable 70mm- (19/.083) 4-Core Straight Joint Kit 4-AWG 3- Core Straight Joint Kit 500 MCM Lot-I Lot-II Termination kit 500 MCM I/Core 0/1) Termination Kit 500 MCM I/Core 1/1) Termination Kit 4-AWG 3/Core O/D Termination Kit 4-AWG 3/Core I/D Lot-I LT Service Box 3 -Phase Lot-II HT Fault Locator Life Savin Chain Manila Ro Side Cuttin Plier Unit Km Km Km No. No. No. Km No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Meter Quantity 150 150 150 40 40 100 100 75 75 60 53 600 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 500 1,500 1,500 1,500 03 2,480 2,000 3,000 Date of o enin Tender will be received on 2307.2024 up to 10:30 am and will be opened at 11:00 am on the same date. Tender will be received on 24.07.2024 up to 10:30 am and will be opened at 11:00 am on the same date. The tenders will be opened in the presence of particiljants or their authorized representatives (bearing authority letters) who attend 0/0 Chief Engineer S!återial Management) IESCO Head Offlce G-7/4 Street No. 40. Islamabad. Terms & Conditions l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tender will be opened on "Single&age neEnvelopebasis". The price should be firm and final onE basis and without involving any foreign exchange. The bid is valid foraperiod of 90 y Tender must be accompanied wi ank Guarantee @ 2% in favour of Chief Executive Officer IESCO Islamabad of the off uantity valid for 120 days (One hundred & twenty days) in the form ofBank issued by any schedule Bank ofPakistan (having ratingA+ or above). Tender forms includilk terms and conditions can be obtained from the office of Material Management IESCQßamabad against non-refundable amount ofRs.3000/- on any womking day during office hourStill a day earlier from the date ofopening of tenders. In case of holiday announced by the Goyt of Pakistan, strike in IESCO or any other reasons whatsoever du@tb which this office remains closed on the above schedule tender opening date, the tender will be opened on next working day at same time and place/venue. Written application on company's letter head along with copies of registration with sales tax department (STRN), NTN # etc. should be produced at the time of issuance oftender documents. The bid should be for full quantity of tender and bid for less quantity oftenderwill not be accepted. No tenderwill be issued on the date ofopening oftenders. IESCO reserves its rights to reject all bids prior to the acceptance of bids. Chief Engineer (MM) LESCO Islamabad O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) from Express dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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