District Council Khanewal Tender Notice for supply of manhole covers for areas ,contractors, Maintenance,Repair, Procurement , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** DISTRICT COUNCIL KHANEWAL TENDER NOTICE Otstrlct Counc// Khanewal intends to call sealed Tenders for its Maintenance & Repairing Development Project pertaining to 2023-24 from controctors who are registered/renewed within any Loco/ Government of Olv15/on Multun ror the financial year 2023-24 in relevant category and deposited thc/r Enilstrnent/Renewo/ Fee institute or Local Government In Olvis10f1 05 per PCG (Works Rules) 2017, the following terrns and conditions and on the schedule prescribed below, unu on approved estimate (DNIT/MRS 2024). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 13. Sr. No. 1 2 3 The bid documents can be received on productjon of registrot/øn certmcote PEC license. Enlistment evidence (00th In original) and recclpt or Chorges or bid price deposited through gonk Chollan In thc account or Conk or Punjab Ghano Mond/ cranchi Oistr«t Council Photocopies 01 these documents bc The seated b/d documents 0/009 with or est/motcd price as security eurnest money in the Shope or Can pay order frorn ony PutVOU rovor or Adm.njstrator, District' Council Khanewal sna/i be uttoched with tender documents to be deposited from dace or pub//cat/on eo in working hours. All the seated tenders WII/ be received on 02200PM office of District Council Khanewal by Che tender opening Committee in presence at ovm/obte contractors or their outhor/zed representot/ve and opened ot 02:30PM. is compulsory for all participating contractors to quote their rotes in nurnbers us wen •s in words on above or below or the estimate on percentage over bld ISSued by office or res Branch. Conditiona/, un-S19ned. incomplete, cutting, overwritten and doubtrui bids be dean os reyecte•å. AS per Works Rules 2017 under clause 9, Sub Sectlon 9(d) the lowest bidders poured the lowest b/d rates equal to and less than 5% or the estimated cost* lowest bidder bound to deposit additional performance security from the scheduled bonk from S% to 10% Oncludinø COR deposited ae Che Clrne or tendering) Within IS days of issuance ot notice. If he does deposit the required amount, his 5% COR will be rorreitcd in favor of O/stnct Council Rhanewal. His Ten rate Wii/ be considered unacr PPRA rotos rejected. The Competent Authority may reject t ony time prior to the approvaVacceptance or Che render race. coecurlty. thc rates of the bidder will be After deposit or Additional performan approved by the compotont Auth When work/Supp/y order wm be $$Sved to the Successful bidder. he will bound to make agreement with Department on ta@p paper or value spec/fied by Government. Time pedod ror completion or •eCh project be mentioned in work order after approval of rates of the lowest bidder The bids poured by contractors without 5% COR or toke / unsigned CDR be dealt as cancelled. The contractor Wh work order Is Issu ed Is bound eo condu cc th e require d q uahty controf tests on his pwn expenses. roramed on (DNÄ/MRS DNIT/MRS rt Biannual 2024 ror non- The estimates a scheduled Items on Markot Rotes. The detail of Procurment to be tendered is as below; - Namc or Schemes Supply of manhole covers for areas of District Khanewal. Desilting of sewer line with mechanical venching Machine chak no 25/10R KAPAR Tehsil & District Khanewal Deslltlng Of sewer line with mechanical venchlng Machine Saral Sidhu, Tehsil Kabirwala District Khanewal Chief Officer Estimated Cost Million 4.023 2.511 3.090 Money 5% Rs. 201,150/- 125,550/- 154,500 Tender 10000 10000 10000 Time Limit per Work Order As per Work C)rdcr As per Work Order Administrator / Deputy Commissioner District Council Khanewal District Council Khanewal O Newspaper ( Ju , ZUZ from Express dated 06 July, 2024
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