Communication & Works Division Peshawar Tender Notice for M&r Of Office Building Of Phc Peshawar, sH civil & Electrician Work for the year , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SINGLE STAGE NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER SINGLE ENVELOPE The Procuring Entity, Executive Engineer Maintenance-II C&W Department Peshawar, invites sealed bids from eligible firms/conractors enlisted with C&W Department, licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category and dully pre-qualified with the Maintenance-II C&W Department for the work as under:- 1 2 3 4 5 I- 2- Name of Work of Office Building of PHC Peshawar SH: Civil & Electrification Work for the year 2024-25 M&R of Residential Building of PHC SH: RCG Peshawar M&R of Residential Building of PHC SH: Residences at Ha atabad of Residential Building of PHC SH: Bore at RC&25 Peshawar M&R of Registrar House Hayatabad at Peshawar SH: Civil & Electrification Work Estimated Cost (in million) and above and above and above PK C-6 and above and above Earnest Money 2% Earnest Money + Stamp Duty Earnest Money 2% Earnest Money + Stamp -do- a. Last Date of Completion Submission of Form b. Date & Time of Opening a. 22.07.2024 at 12:00 Noon b. 22.072024 at 12:30 Noon date As per Work Order -do- TERMS & CONDITIONS Bid Documents Instruction Condition to bidders can be downloaded up to one day prior to the opening date from C & W web Site wvmcwd.gkp PR. A Complete set of Bid Solicitation Documents may be obtained on submission of a written application one day prior to the opening date from office of the undersigned othemise bids submitted without these documents will non responsive. Original Bid Security in the shape of Call Deposit in the name of Executive Engineer Maintenance-II C&W Departrnent Peshawar shall accompany the bid. 3- All bidders are required to be registered with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority, established under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act 2013 (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa No.XXl of 2013) for works, consulting and Non- consulting services as listed in Schedule-II oftheAct ibid, 4- Each biddershall submit his bid through sealed coveras under:- (A) ORIGINAL and each copy ofthe bid shall be separately sealed and put in separate envelopes and marked as such. (B) The Envelope containing the ORIGINAL and copies will be put in one sealed envelope and addressed to Executive Engineer Maintenance-II C&WDepartmentPeshawar 5- The item rate system is replaced byAbove/BeIow system on BOQ based n Market Rate System 6- Bid will be valid for Ninety (90) days 7- Ifthe bid rate/ costofWo or more bidders are same then the su essful bid will be decided through toss. 8- All Federal/Provincial duties/Stamp duties/Taxes will be recovera I as per directions of the Government issued from time to time. 9- Execution ofWork will be subjectto release/ availability ff d. IO- The Competent authority reserves the right to reje any,or all the tender by assigning the cogent reason in consultation with authority atanytime prior tothe awaid fbontract II- All other terms & conditions can be seen on o ci w bsite of the C&W Department or from the office of the undersigned on anyworking day during office hou 12- A part of Notice Inviting Tender (NIT), Moreover,/he bidding entry [email protected]% oftender cost may be revived, and collected along-with earnest money, which willbenon-refundable. 13- Additional bid security Should be received's per Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Notification No S.R.O (14)V010Z412021-22 dated 10-05-202116058-71. The contractors quoting the bids up t6Å'limlfof below Engineer Estimate shall submit bid security to the extent of2% only of Engineer Estimate ii. The contractors quoting their bl ore than 10% belowupto Engineer's Estimate shall submitSecurity. Ifthe bid is not accompanied with the required additional security then it will be considered as non-responsive and the 2% security shall be forfeited in vOyrofGovt: and the second lowest bidder and soon well be considered accordingly. iii i (Similarly, a contractor quot bid morethan 20% below shall submit with his bid an addional security on Engineer's Estimated cost equal o the diffial amount of submitted bid and Engineerts Estimate along with detailed rate analysis]. In case of more th ¯å00/o below bids, if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and / or required amount of addition security, then the said bid shall be considered as nan-responsive. All the securities submitted along with such,nOn-responisve bid shall be forfeited in favour ofGovernment and the 2nd lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly. In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids is, in view ofthe Procuring Entity, not convincing, the Head of v. the Procuring Entity may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeiture of bid securities and record reasons thereof The Procuring entity may offer the contract to next lowest bidder after due diligence in the context of financial difference between such bids or may advertise procurement opportunity afresh, vii. After commencement ofwork by the successful bidder, the procuring entity may replace the Additional Securitywith a bank guarantee ofthe same amount fromthe scheduled bank; ifthe already deposited security is not in the form of bankguarantee„ viii, The Additional Security shall be released to the contractor in four installments i.e. 1st installment of 25% to be released upon completion of 25% of the project, 2nd installment of25% to be released upon completion of 50% of the project, 3rd installment of 25% to be released upon completion of 75% ofthe project and the 4th installment of 25% to be released after 100% completion ofthe project. ix, All previous orders, instructions and regulations issued regarding additional security shall stand superseded, Maintenance-II C&W Deptt: Peshawar INF(P) 1558/24 O ewspaper from Express dated 06 July, 2024
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