Buner Forest Division Daggar Tender Notice for water tanker and pump with 1200 feet pipe,fire beater,gas mask half face ordinary,goggles,helmets, fire suits,water bottle , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Divisional Forest Officer Buner Forest Division invites sealed tenders (Single Stage, two envelops procedure) where each envelope shall contain separately the financial proposal and technical proposal) from NTN/ GST registered firms (active tax payers) for purchase of following items under project, "Strengthening Forest Conservation Through Improved Forest Services Delivery System in Malakand Forest Region-III, Swat" of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Forest Department. S.NO. 01 01 02 03 04 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 01 02 DESCRIPTIONS / ITEMS Water Tanker and Pump with 1200 feet pipe. Fire Beater Gas Mask half face ordina Goggles Fire sa Gloves Torch Helmets Fire Exfinguisher Fire Suits First Aid Box (Empty Water Bottle (Travel) Fireman Axe dush Cutter Manual Fire Safety Shoes Fire Rake Binocular Eire Jackets Inspection Lam TERMS AND CONDITIONS QUANTITY 1 100 100 100 IOO 40 80 10 04 100 20 30 60 100 10 60 20 I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The sealed bids (both Technical aÖÖFinanciaI) should reach the office of the undersigned on 19/07/2024 up to 10:30 AM be opened on the same date at 11:30 AM in the presence of the interested bidders or theiftepresentatives. Bids will be evaluated under single Stage, two Envelopes Procedure (KPP ufes2014}. A CDR equal to 2% of bid amount (refundable), must be attached with tender in favor or Divisional ForestOffic r utler Forest DiviSion Daggar The Tender Docume / Specifications can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on the payment of Rs. 1 Oj- per tender documents/ for lot wise (non-refundable), on any working day during office The financia posal/bid must includeall the applicable taxesofGovt. ofPakistan. The bidde ay apply for a complete single lot or more lots. The bidders are not allowed tosubmit a bid for single item in a lot. The competent a uthority has the right to increase or decrease the qua ntity of items as per provision of funds. Proposal of bidders not fulfilling the mandatory criteria mentioned in the bidding documents will be rejected straight away. Incomplete bid shall not be entertained, DIVISIONAL FOREST OFFICER BUNER FOREST DIVISION DAGGAR INF(P) 1550/24 o Newspaper ( Jill, ZUZ4) from Express dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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