Peshawar Institute Of Cardiology Medical Teaching Institution Peshawar Tender Notice for Crockery for cafeteria,furniture for cafetria, water filtration plant for drinking water , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PESHAWAR INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY MEDICAL TEACHING INSTITUTION 2. stil Phi gl Email' [email protected] Website: INVITATION FOR BIDS REF No. PIC.079 Peshawar Instrute of Card'0Zgy, MediC* Institute S project Of Pakhtunkhwa Healfrt Department to ccprove the areas of research end trear.ent Pesha•ar I'lSYute Of CarWOlcgv 4PlC•MTl) irr"ites sealed Sids frotn *'ble ü•der registered with lncccre ray, Sales Tax, and reflected Tax payer (ATL) FBR far Item, Ogtadad af items. specification. sub«nissnr, opening and of ev*.jatjan iS pro•Od bedding 3k] Securit'iteamest rra•ney is requred to be su*flitted in shape of Cal Oegosit Receipt {COIR) from schedule bank in favouc Hospital Director Peshawar Inshtute of CardZlc•» 3 4 3. 4. 7. S. g. 10, 11, 12. Name of Furniture Cafeteria 'Water Plant for "edEåiTripleVVåcutGåi Plant Echocardiography Machine Water Cardiae &lly tidS oréiral letter pad, sealed sig I Process I did Security IPKRj ooo Stage ncooo Sir* Émekwe 30000 c' tow value submtted hand written tender shÜ beacoeptate. The teneersrnust be speaficatjon eatemate rates wi" not acceptBble Incorr• tax. Stamp duty, end professional tan Ot government tar will be charged es pet PIC-MTI- Peshawar is exemb%dfrom the Sales A complete set af Standard Biddir.g Doahe6t be downloaded by interested Bidder fram WCbG'WS Ot Pest'.awar tnsttuto c' IPIC•MÜI) after of this adve:tisemect in day for sunmissio,na' aid, Procurement will be cue as' per Act and Rules of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory PRAI. A bid Pay•rprtPOßhall be rejected - A Pre•Bd Meebrjgwi' te July Matertal tot, OPO of Pesttawøt aged to ettend meeting , gods ere to te d'üÉred to he affte of the Marager Materi* V,anagement. OPO r an or before August0$, 2024at 1 ECO Budding , at AM (PST). 4ds choose to attend. on the same day at 11:30 AM (PST) ir g«esence of tidders wt. The advertisement is also available bath on websites cd Peshawar Institute af Caroolcgy (PIC- Peshawar cd Candiciogy (PIC•'/TII rears•es tle right to cancel any or bids by cogent reason 4?' Khyber Pakhtunkhwa pu*c Regulatory HOSPITAL DIRECTOR Peshawar Institute of Cardiology (PIC-MTI) 5•A, Sector BO, Phase•V, Hayatabad, Peshawar, O Ph: 91 9219645 Newspaper ( 06 Jul, from Mashriq dated 06 July, 2024
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