Public Health Engineering Department Quetta Tender Notice for supply & installation of solar system, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executi.•e Ergineer, Public Health Ergineehrg OuettB are ir.ites the tendegs from t.ræ Eid in Call 3 tt 12 14 17 19 20 21 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 42 KANE OF WORK Swey YstNatm o' Sistem WSS •arf abaa WSS Sai* Ka.5furt1 Inst—atin d Soar System IVS,S PEOP Inga'ab:o Sistem WSS 8b' PSCP S.ÆØ• S for WS WS Ibafü BOP NO d SOW Sy•gem WSS PEOP & "SOP *stalatm Sd.w Systm fry WSS Stmel & WSS PSCP Nosoa. PSCP NOSSÜ. psop NOS682. cf War SiSXt"ftvbSS Temo roai Oatla PSOPN.SUZ Inst*atkc Sd• $•sten•• WSS Cantt Gems* PSDPN.S?Q. S WS PSOP Nd 5774, psap S WSS & Itrwatm d SW Systern WSS PSOPW±8Si S 'Ot' WSS Ma" PSEP l.ns.t*aond Soar & sÜ Sisan fc« WSS Hai Raze; t%tava.too ot Sow WSS Street Sa•åb S I 'SWS Oi BSS Haw "PSOPNOSSO. WSS sear WS POP Irtstæatm d SW Sistem WSS Khan pscetb90t. WSS & d Sciat 9,stem WSS S.ö'd* Xareez POIO PSP *'O. 8 ot System WSS Gæden two psopwsgæ. S.Æ09 WSS 5990, Sy•4BTi Azad Azad Estimated 3.321 7,321 2,554 (MJ 7.321 8.6131M) 8.613041 a.i1J(MJ 5.8m (MI g 524 6.241 6.241 6.241 5.963 (MJ 0.03 (MJ lee 1ST IEO IXO IZO 1ST Isco 1ST 1920 191 19:o ISW 1ST Isco ISCO ISØ ISCO Ism rsE 2429374BISitS 242937481673 24297483373 2'2574B3343 242537483383 242.90"4833tS 242507483513 PSOPWi&9.7. & Irg.talalü•t 01 PSOP NO S IrOatön Sam,' Insnaatcn System PSCP NoSßl. iV3,etn O' *iat Syst«tt WS WS SOP The prceurerrgnt shali caried out in æ:cordarce with Baluchistan Publi Procurement Reguiatcry Auth•ceit'i tugs, 2014 ELIGIBILITY:- a. Three Years Relevant iff PHE Depanr•vent. least three Showing rtftat• capacity the the rlllß.t trat'Ct'i with tar autb0'ifjes i .CINTN deø.artrrontan•d id registration with Pa.esta:n E ineeri council relevant category who have deposited emstmenff'rerewal fee for he year Tender tee degosnee in head of ur-our: C-02T26•oa tf•tcugh "armaf'9it•tN: State 1 each proeumment;• Singte Stage. one øroceøure be ad00ted. Biddir•gnonder documentS+ lsstjance. terne•r fern"'dccuments Will oe issued to on pu,bltsnng c' rauce in OCAM tercet fee if! Shage call #COSt. iri ai bddegs.'hns. Last date iS at 1100 AU Opening:- tender be at 1200 P.M Place Issuance, suhmsecn, Address-otfjceoftneExecutr.•eE Cuetü. teepnone NO.QC1431 may noted that no pay order w" 00 Should degosit. Oriy contraeor are to rartjtigate in thC teneers with ongital CMC. natbealjawed. CONOETEONEAII the terms and comdilions/sitgodthedetail works c:an bgseen}ootainfrom theotficeoflhe l,cndersigned inanyaffite hours, EXECUTIVE QUETTA PRO NO. 11304-07-2024 c ews paper u, from Jang dated 06 July, 2024
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