Public Health Engineering Department Nushki Tender Notice for Construction Of Water Supply Scheme, Wss Along With Solar System , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE seed gallop on fonm Ǝ-1 B-ll as per sche&bullOÄA' are invited approved of Puec Health Engineering Department Büchistan registered with BPPRAwt-ø are enisted.' their mame curer" finarOyear20Z4&bull-2Sfcrhefc/lowingworks EIMoney in shape ofCDR andTimelimit 30-06-202S Ɔ' each wad. S.No Name ofWork 2 4 l) 6 l) 8 g 10 12 13 u l) 15 16 17 -WSSALONCWIIHSOLARSYSIEMKILLIMIR DISTRICT NUSHKl(PSOPNOS339 Oriling ndOevehpmentofBoreu*0800 feet 00th ICIWLWORK} TSE.2A2SC7483S63 "WSSALONGWITHSOURSYSTEMKILLIBILAL TAREEZKlSANKORINUSHKl.1PSOPNO.S51Ø Oram&bullg and 0001cpmentofBcreupt0503 feet DO*' fCtVILWORX) CONSTRUCTIOUOFWAIERSLIPPLYSCHENE KILLISRAOEZAIAHMEOWALL DdSIRICTNUS8Xl (PSDPN0,551öl MAHALLAHSIAIONATOISTRICIWSHKI IPSOPNO.SS331 Oriling and Development Of Boreupt0503 feet TSE-.242507483943 TSE.242507433973 WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILUMENGE' Orujrtg aruoevetøment0fBoreupt06CO WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILLISALEH MUHA*MAOANOFAVAH MUHAUMAOUALL ATOdSTRICT NUSHK11PSO+NO.S5811 Ori*ing andOevelapmentafBoreupt0503 feet Depth TSE.24Z50TA84053 ICIVILWORKI TSE.24250748408J WSSALONGWITHSOLAR SYSTEMKILLIHASHIM O&bullfiling andoevekpmentoraoreupt04SO feet Dept' TSE.24250T48411J WSS KUCHAKI, IPSDPK0.S5B41 Ording andDevelcp«nentafBoreuptoCS0 feetDepth WSSALONGWITH SOLAR ZARAIN ariling ndOevelopmentofBoreup104CO feet Ceph TSE.24Z50T48421J ICIWLWORKI TSE.24250748423J Ofi"ft9 leet Depth WSSALONGW11HSOLARSYStEMklLLIQAZIA3AD NUSHKl(PSOPNOSU8) Oriling ndOevehpmentofBoreupto 7 CO feet Deph WSSALONGWITHSOLAR SYSTEMKILLIABOUL RASHEED Oriling andOex&bullelopmentofBoreupt04SO feet Depth iiK CIVILWOR"TSEQ42S074U44J WSSm0NGWlTHSOLARSYSTEMKlWlHAFlZ Of"ing UiCOevelopmentafBoreup104S0 WSSALONCWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILLIMOULA BAKHSH OMRICTNUSHKICPSOPNOS?") Of"ing m,d0evelopmentafBoreup10'EO feet WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILUNOKJOW AT OdSTR/CTNUSHKllPSOPNO.S794J ortling arwoevelapment0fBoreupt0ZCN3 ICIVILWORKI 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job Job Job 1 Job 1 JOb Job 1 Job 1 JOB 1 JOb 2 Job Job 1 Job 1 JOB Job 1 Job 1 Job 3J0b Job Job 1 JOb DISTRICT NUSRKIIPSOP 3Job WSSALONCWITHS.OLAR SYSTEM KILL! BACHAK 'Job OISIRlC'TKUSHKKPSOPU&St9d] WSSALONCWIIHSOLARSYSIEMXILLISAXHI OAROOKHAN, UVERSHAHAT BSTRICTNUSHKI. PSOPS86' Ording MdOevelopmentOfBoreupt08CO feet Depet TSE*4250T484803 ii',lClVILWORKl TSE.2425074S483J GHULAM Ording V'CDeveloprcentoIBoreupt04SO feetl)epm crvlLwcM)ßE.azsctaugtJ3 WSSKILLIOAOIRBAXHSHKISANKORMOHALA ALIAHMEO.(PSOPNOS868) Oriling feetDepth WSSALONGWIIHSOLARSYSIEMKILU BAOdNIAT OISTRICTNUSHK(PSOPNO.S976) Oruir,g feet (CIVIL WORK} TSE.242503C503J WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSIEMXILLIBABO SATTARStAtlONAt01STRbCINUSHKl(PSOPNO WSSALONGWfiHSOLARSYStEMKILLIKA QAZABADMUHLLAALLAHBUXSUUALABIAT Oriling ndOevelopmentofBcreuptO 7 CONSTRUCTIONOF OHSR Constructon Of CHSR Tank. TSE&bull2425074853BJ Job 1 JOB 1 Job 1 Job 426142B 41414. 439710'. 4339920b 2277601. 439718b 2600000'. 359840b 2600000b 3öt60W- 034800. 4253601. 5.39760b 2600000. 260COW- 2883920'. 439920b 4934800b 946000b 368160b 35201. 49077601. 10000000B Challan Fee 1 5001. 6511. 650'. 1500b -1 Stor- 650'. 1 soar. 15001. 6501. 650'. t 5001. 1 SOW. 1 500f. the atfic.e the P HE Nißhk&bulli amg wan sealeø Stage.Orse Envelope ) ae»aue mentioaec wctkS n tetesteø are to suørrat as per fcaowing stopo:t at Ither technicaLFirancia.l The ptccurerrgnt shal be caried outin accordance with Barochistan Put'ic Prccvement Regul$.yrj'. Rijes 2014anc Pakistan Engineering Courol By-Lus BASIC ELIGIBILITY: The Cor.vaaor have vaid regiGtra.ton i.e. ZOß&bull2S Pakistan Erqineerng Coura in C.atevyil relevant ara Witt' tag i e tax Department as as Witn wr,ere appscme. the compete sit&bullrilarnature mentor. in the Ttzn over of last 3 years. Showru financial of l.ræ fim The Quetta in Ordling Category for dritirg in cu firancw year 2024-25 same nature at veastlasta 01 sarrogcoqraøhi&bullt. Carttattor rot be Olau "tedi not issued rxtce regarding delay works. METHOD OF ( Single Slage -Ong Envelop j bidding 'TENDER DOCUMENTS: (Non-refuncao&bullle) for each won shon against each deposited in nead of C-0Ü2S-2 works through, Govt Treasurymaticnal Bank c' Pakistan Kushkj or can be doanloaded from he webste Of BPPRA} .dunng wcding h&bullcur, from the gubåcöti3&bulln of this to lag Suhission, The Obtain docurnerts Item from a:lS0 ee Chanan from of aøove menti,cnec Fee bits must sect,'hti/ 'Tecmcal ice each work 'n he 'orm of deposit ate be-tk c' arount specified above the office narre cd undet signed from a sched'jed bank. No any Bank Oratts & Banker Check will be acceptable Oea&bulldiiire of submission: Technet and inaraaipmposals from contraca&bullß'finms sealed in cne separate em&bullelcpe clee&bulliy manedwith Work & type c' by handcr thcou&bullgh tegiStered to address tébw on 2S July 2024. at 1100 AM opening The BidS' win be opened on the sarned8" 2SJuly 2024. At 12:00P.M in Cfb4ddC&bullrs ortheitauthCtiZCd rovrcs.erttati&bulles Who choose to Bits Widitty: NinetyP0) days Place. waceafssuar,«. sub'"ission. anc opervng oe Otfz:e of tne Engineer Oistra Nust'Ai CONOITbONS Ali the terrns and conditions can be seenrobt.ain in Office of the undersigned in any office hours PRO N0,uwos.07-2024 c ews paper EXECUTIVE PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING, OIVISION NUSHKL u, , from Jang dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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