National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Power With Safety, Recommendation Of Consumer, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL ELECTRIC POWER REGULATORY AUTHORITY (NEPRA) POWER WITH SAFETY NOTICE OF HEARING REGARDING MOTION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WITH RESPECT TO RECOMMENDATION OF CONSUMER END TARIFF FOR XWDISCOS AND K- ELECTRIC, UNDER SECTION 7 & 31 OF NE-PRA ACT 1997 READ WITH RULE 17 OF THE NEPRA TARIFF (STANDARDS AND PROCEDURE) RULES, 1998. 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. 8, All stakeholders, interested/affected persons and the general public are informed that Federal Government has filed Motion with respect to recommendation of consumer-end tariff for XWDISCOs and K-EIectric under section 7 & 31 of the NEPRA Act, 1997 read with rule 17 of NEPRA Tariff (Standards and Procedure) Rules, 1998, pursuant to tariff determinations ofXWDlSCOs dated 14.06.2024, The Federal Government through its Motion has requested to reconsider and issue the uniform schedule oftariff ofXWDlSCOs by incorporating a. Targeted subsidy and inter distribution companies tariff rationalization pursuant to guidelines for the category of each of NEPRA determined notified tariff (inclusive of subsidy/tariff rationalization surcharge/inter disco tariff rationalization). b. Reduction of fixed charges as proposed in the Annex-IV and adjustment ofvariable rate accordingly. c. Revision in application of fixe Fharges from 50% of sanctioned load to 25% of sanctioned load. Once considered and approved, the same will lead to determination of "Uniform Final Tariff", under the Act, fo notification by the Federal Government w.e.f. July 01, 2024, to extent of modification and supersessionofexistingdetermined no d rates. The Federal Government has also r qåested to modify Tariff for K-Electricin order to maintain uniform tari Ss the country so as to recover the revenue requirements of KE d mined by the Authority, keeping in view the proposed targeted subsi d cross subsidies. Accordingly, it has been requested to issue revi s after incorporating tariff rationalization (annex-V) to be notifie July 01, 2024, in the official gazette by way of modification of in fi s. In order to arrive just and informed decision, the Authority has decided to conduct a h g in the subject matter according to the date, time and ed below: venue as me July 08, 2024 (Monday) Date: Time: 02.00pm Venue NEPRA Tower, G-5/1, Islamabad [Online Following link may be used for participation in the hearing through Zoom ZOOM LINK: Copyof the GoP Motion is available on Nepra website:* z All communications in the matter should be addressed to: Registrar NEPRA NEPRA Tower, Attaturk Avenue (East), G-5/1 Islamabad Phone: 051-2013200 Fax: 051-921 0215 E.mail [email protected] O ewspaper from Aaj dated 06 July, 2024
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