Directorate General Of Agriculture Extension Peshawar Tender Notice for Gamlic,Pendoline,Frontoio,Bari, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF AGRICULTURE EXTENSION MARGEO AREAS Ph: 091-9217721 9217717, Fax: 091-9217868 TENDER NOTICE Sealed bids are invited for the purchase of local certified alive nursery plants during the year 2024-25 under developmental schemes as per KPPRA Procurement Rules 2014 at Merged Areas, Peshawar from the interested firms registered with FBR, Federal Seed Cettlivcation & Registration Department and other relevant Government authorities; Varieties Name Plants Olive(Olea europaea L.) 1, 2 3 4. 5. 6. o. 11 12. Ban-I Ban-2 Arbe 'Jina Arbasana Coratina Frontoio Lecano Koronieki Picual Pendolino Kalamata Camlic Total Quantity Requested (NO} Approximately 100,000 Certiiled Olive plants Remarkes I, The nursery plants should be certified by the Federal Seed Certification & Registration Department. 2, The height of the plants should be 18-24 inches OT higher in size and kept in suitable media and PP Bags. 3. True to Type and diseasefree certified olive plants properly tagged/ labeled containing variety name. source and age of sapling etc. 4 Demand of varieties will be according to pply orders of the concerned district I or. Terms and Conditions:- 2, 3. 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10, 11- 12, 13, c Tender Bids documents can be obtained from the o o the undersigned during working hours@Rs, 3000/-non•refundable. This tendervsavailable on KPPRAwebsite The tender/bids are solrcated through a sin tagetwo envelop process The quoted rates shall be inclusive of tr*nsportation charges for delivery at all Merged Areas identified by the concerned District Director Agriculture Extension N MAs The quoted rates shall include allap 'li ble taxes The applicable taxes will be deducted from the bills at source. CDR as call deposit @ 2 Director GeneralAgricuItu Otal value Of the tenders/bids shall be submitted in the name Of ension Merged Areas along with the tenders/financial bids, Handwritten tenders/bid ments will not he entertained. Apre-Bid meeting will Idan25.071024at11:30am. Sealed tenders/bid • ted and signed and stamped on the firm's letter head shall reach the office of the undersigned before 11 700 am 31.07 2024. The tenders,ibi ill be opened in the presence Of the Purchase Committee and representatives Ofthe participating fir on the same day at II am at the office of the undersigned. Detailed terms and conditions are given in the tenderdacument. The supply/demand of certified olive plants may be increased or decreased or altered subject to the availability Of funds and otherconstraints. Successful bidders/firms will submit 10% performance g uarantee as per KPPRA rules, Rates will be applicable up-to 30/06/2025, Chairman Procurement Committee 010 Director General Agriculture Extension (Merged Districts) Peshawar INF(PM608j24 ewspaper u, from Aaj dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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