Transpeshawar Peshawar Auction Notice for Auction Of Disposal Notice, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2. 3. 4. 7. ETransPeshäfiäi Auction/Disposal Notice "Lease of ATM Spaces in Peshawar BRT Bus Stations" (The Mobility Cartpany) iS up Section 42 t he CCInparjes Act. 201 ard is respor&bullble tcg project implanentaliononanagemera od mintecance ot urten rapid transit assigned by the Ult,nn tilC0i5ty Authority. TransPoshtwa IJItjøn Motifty Company) imåes.ecared bids from SOE FitnVComgany,Ǝa1'A hning vaEd registered uilh registrat of firtwSECP'tetev&1ii I Of A in 3RT Bus Stati0't$ as pet provided in bid solicitation document. Bids Sdicaatit&bulln be by the intetest&bulled bidders the wet)Siite TransPeshawar V.lbljcatjon ot newsgapets til last day at bids, wa be conducted and Rifles. 201 Pakhtunwvwa Putöc Procurement ot Goods. Woüs h Simg,te Stage-One Envelope 5. 2024. 6. Blds be vesence of revesentatives who choose to attend at AM (PST!00the same 23.2024 at The adverbs*lieiit is available an the website of TransPesha&bullwat and KPPRA TiansPes.h*wat reserves the right to cance lhe auction ptoces$ by cogent reason, O Chief Executive Officer TransPeshawar Urban Mobility Company) TransPeshawar Head Ollice, I't Floor, Main BRT Depot, Opposite NHA Complex, GT Road, Chamkani, Peshawar. Contact Number: 091-2621393-5 Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 06 July, 2024
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