Karachi Water & Sewerage Corporation Karachi Tender Notice for Construction Of Pumps Station Providing & Laying Of Water Supply, ,Providing & Laying Of Water Supply, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Karachi Water & Sewerage Cornoration OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER DISTRICT KORANGI OFFICE AT ROOM 1ST FLOOR KOA BUILDING KORANGI 4 KARACHI NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER 1. KW&SC invites waiéd seared covers Tenders Bidding oocumentsc&bulln CSR Offer Rato BasiS from the interested Firms the mentioned Schemes. s. Of SC heme DISTRICT KORANGI. 01 & Pto&bulludng of Water Sup* Lit-es in V.etvan LIC&bullä7 KW&SC Pro'*fdiä ara Wy Systetti SidfiÜ S,häh Faisal Toon. 2. ScopeofWorks Improvement of Water Supply of KW&SC. Valid PCs with Specialization C.a with CE-09. EE.os, Mä.07 Wilh Electrical License issued the Eleethcat GOS Karachi Region, CEO CE.tO Sid Sid As Rile 37 d SPPRu'es 2010 (Amended to date) Eid As 37 SPPRuees {Amended up date) Rs.10.ow. Eligibility:- Wid Registration With Sindh Revenue Board (SR8) Federal BO&bullatd Revenue PäkiStan Engineenng Council in minimum category $gecffed as above against each work scheme älcngwith fiQld specialization & professtonat tars certificate: Electrical License issued by the Electrical Inspector GOS Karachi Negjon. 4, qualification:- MANOATORY REQUIREMENT 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. Oil frij Experionco and Past Performanco:&bull Experience in similar nature of wgüs executed during the last five vears i. At Least Two Similar nature a' each having minimum cost 50% Of the estimated cost. Financial:. Average Annual Financial Türn&bullovet not léSS than equivalent COGt o"' the scheme project dutifT tast five years. i. For Each year Total Income Tax Oec:luctibte prescribed limit as per present Estimated Cost. Bid Secutity @5% 01 Bid PriZO must bC submitted b}' tho bidder. failing wrt'ich bid Shan be Rejected stand cancelled, As per Rule 37 of SPP Rules 2010 (An&bull.ended up to date}. Bid must to in vvaxo&bulld sea [Od Enveope SPOCifiOd Nanto 'SNOCk with addressed to Convener Committee front side & over reaf comp&ete Nan&bull.e of Firm address. othemise Bid will be stand Cante110d l' Rejected. Provide Detail of equipment's, machinery and vehicle Ooned Hired by me Firm, Companys Profile must be attäChQd with Bidding v." be Entertained ReJected. Tho above 6 criteria is mandatory for passing Contractor who fail to comply with thc above 6 mandatory requirements 01 tho bid Shall bO considered FAILED and Eliminated from the detail Bid evaluation process. Terms & Condition ass lied be ided the Contract Bid must be in waxed Soared Covet and addressed in front Of Envotope to the Convenor Procurement Committee with the name Scheme in gold Letters, ON THE BACK OF SEALED ENVELOPE äiddets companvs Name & address in 801d Letters. The partitip.ants must to be the rates both in and Figures. Bid Security Should bC rnad0 in Shape Of demand draft pay order or gonk Guarantee from any sci&bulltedule Bank of Pakistan in of KW'SC from the company film own Atc by the aädder and the narne Of the Company Fitm must bC imposed mentioned on all Pay Orders submitted hOtcwith. Integrity pact duty signed With officia' seal on a stamp paper Tencer Bid, .100.r&bull Sh04Jld be enc10G0d with the 6. MOthOd Of procurement. (Single Stage: - Ono Envelope oc re) Ufidor RC'IO 4611) as pet SPP Rulcs.2010 7. Bidding I Tender Documents: Bidding the date of issuance publication till date 23-7-2024 on payment tertder fee (Non-refundable} except on opekiaa. Bidding Oocuments avadab&bullle 6, FLOOR KOA BUILDING should Attached Pay Order in favor Of KW&SC arnountin,9 to RS. 10.000'&bull in respect Ot tender tee. Bidding occuments on PPMS SPPRA web*'te in case the docurnentsae the bidder attached pay oruet of tender fee in lavc« Of KW&SC as mentioned against each tender in front of sealed Envelope outside the Enveopo with the bidding document Bid will not be entertained.. Place of Issuance: From the office KW&SCs Office At Room # 6. 1st Floo« KDA Building Korangi # 4 Karachi located at OfficoAt Room g 6 ISt Floor KOA guilding Korangi g 4 Karachi from 09:00 AM to 5:00 P.M. (Outing working da&bulle extgptdate opening), Date Timo & Venue of Subhiissibiö{ to (2:00 PM) in the Office Of the Committee Room Chiot Enginoor IPO Sectotang: grock.g 9th Mite Varsaz RW&SC Karachi, Date Time & Venue of OÅöning of Tondgrs&bull be cpened 24-7-2024 at (2:30 PMI on the same d Of subfiliSSion in the the Committee Room Chief Engjnecr IPO Secretariat BIOCk&bull B 9th MX Karsaz Kwasg Karachi. Ovi on-responded: T will be again iSSued submitted opened on reeowing dates. 2nd Attempt: date 25-7-2024 12-8.2024 date: 13-8-2024 venue. Funding Position: FUNDS GOS 2023-2024) Terms & Conditions. (Undet following conditions bid Will bO rejected) Conditional and telegraphic bid *tenders- did nat accompanied by specified bid Security 01 required amount and PO's Bid Cost attached the front the Sealed Envelope (If Downloaded), Bid received after specified date and tinw- tf Bid cauld not menticoed on front of E nvebpe Name cf Scherrte & Addressed to Ccnvener Precuregnent Committee (AOP) KW&SC alcog With Companrs Name 8 Address on the oacx cd Envelope Witn the gold Letter. Bid un waxed seated. If a Bidder submit a seriously un-balanced abnormal Bid then he may be required to extra pedccmance security to a level suffiCient to protect the Procuring Agency against financial losses, failing whith the submitted did wil be rejected Bid Security be forfeited as deemed appropriate by KW&SC, Submitted document. if found forgea at any stage'* 10. VALIDITY PERIOD:- (90) days. KW&SC reserve the 'Shts to reject all cr bids sut*ect to the relevant provision of Sindh Public Procurement tn case the date Of opening iS declared a puW&bulliC holiday by the Government, or nan-working day duo to any reason. the next official wgtking day shall be deemed to be the oate and opening of tenders 9. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, at the sart&bull.e time and venue. 000 c ews paper SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER DISTRICT KORANGI, KW&SC u, from Thenews dated 06 July, 2024
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