Fisheries Development Board Islamabad Tender Notice for Supply Of Machinery & Chemicals Require, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT BOARD PILOT SHRIMP FARMING CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TENDER NOTICE Fisheries Development Board (FDB Islamabad intends to invite bids under the proiect "Plot Shrimp Farmina Cluster Development Pro ect from the firms registered with Taxation Departmenl (Active Tax Payers), for the following services: Title Las Date Tender opening Submission at 1200 22,uu1Y. at CheatiCäl requited 10t AM IOCäI [Stamabäd tin-te 1. The tender documents comprise a Single stage Two Envelope Procedure (two separate envelopes containing technical ang financial proposal). The document can also download from EPAD & FDB 2.Financ'iaI offér mist gup%companied with 300 0001&bull in the form of payorder/ call deposit/ Demand draft' in favor of Fisheries Development Board. 3.FDB reserves the riQhts to accept or reject any or all bids underglevant PPRA Rules. 4.All the potential bidders may submit their bids through E-PADS. PIO Project Manager (Shrimp Farming Project) Fishenes Development Board Fisheries & Livestock Complex, Gate No. 2, Park Road, National Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad, Ph # 051-9255948 4) O Newspaper b u, from Thenews dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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